They call us stupid because we're f*cktards 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Every single state that joined the South during the civil war listed keeping slavery legal as a key reason they wanted to keep their rights. Don't let people lie to you, the civil war was about slavery, under the guise of states rights and the confederate flag is a symbol of history and tradition-white history and tradition, the white tradition of slavery and racism
Designed For Maximum Concentration 15 comments
The origin of Swastika 25 comments
Why They Say Elephants Have a Great Memory 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Seriously.....that was awesome. made my day. my dog came in to find out why I was laughing alone.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
It's a mark that will stay over them for life, even if they are innocent 31 comments
· 8 years ago
I believe this for all crimes. Innocent until proven guilty even in the eyes of the public
Save the Cats 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Thank you! I love animal adoption. I have adopted 2 dogs that were house trained, knew tricks and just needed good homes. I have adopted 1 turtle and 2 tortoises-one found in the trash, one that needed medical care and was about to be put down (she is fine now!), and one from a rescue. Never buy animals, always adopt!
That should not be allowed 15 comments
· 8 years ago
I had 2 c-sections. Both times a nurse-who was already in the room attending to my child, checked the child, cleaned them up, bundled them and placed them on my chest. Unless a child has a serious condition this is best practice, does not take anyone else, and fairly common recently. It takes no extra work as the nurse that would be attending to the baby anyway just watches. This is a crazy charge and not normal.
Wonder Woman is a bad ass in real life 7 comments
· 8 years ago
All Israeli citizens, without philosophical, religious, or medical waivers are conscripted into the military. usually for about 2 years.
Just a thought 47 comments
· 8 years ago
Most of the people I know receiving welfare are either: A) parents working a full time job-don't have time to volunteer B) People with disabilities who are unable to work C) People taking care of a sick/disabled family member-who don't have time to volunteer.
Snow in backyard. Banana for scale 18 comments
· 8 years ago
I am expecting this on every post with a banana from now on. Don't disappoint!
So kids will be kids? 14 comments
· 8 years ago
You can call my kid bad! You can call me a bad parent! But you have no idea the lengths I have gone through since he was 6 months old to correct his chemical imbalance. Will he ever be a nice kid-probably not. Will he hopefully grow up to be a productive member of society-god I hope so. Am I seeing 2 therapists, 3 doctors and a nutritionist each month? Yes. Misbehaved children are not always the result of bad parenting.