Hey my name is Eric Bailey and i'm a huge fan of humor and music.
— LegendPvM Report User
When people start dying in books/movies without my permission 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Tyrion tho :(
Meet Alphonse, my daughter's new pet caterpillar 14 comments
Meet Alphonse, my daughter's new pet caterpillar 14 comments
Meet Alphonse, my daughter's new pet caterpillar 14 comments
· 10 years ago
They aren't claiming it as their own though? They are just copying the title and picture to a different social media?
People do it all the time?
People do it all the time?
Meet Alphonse, my daughter's new pet caterpillar 14 comments
Really awesome Owl bench 9 comments
"GamerGurls" v/s Girls that play video games 50 comments
· 10 years ago
No no. Technically they both can be attractive. One just chooses to play games as a hobby and one can be playing games for attention which is usually obvious.
In the end. The more sincere female gamers wins...unless there is a girl playing league of legends with their boobs out then the horny teenage boys come and flock to that girl -.-
In the end. The more sincere female gamers wins...unless there is a girl playing league of legends with their boobs out then the horny teenage boys come and flock to that girl -.-
Dealing with the heat 1 comments
Your typical alaskan flat tire 6 comments
"GamerGurls" v/s Girls that play video games 50 comments
When I skip a good song on pandora by mistake 15 comments
It all makes sense now 2 comments
she's tying her shoe 109 comments
Human lips on a cat 9 comments
Well Sh*t 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Lol I downvoted because he is my friend. We are always mean to each other haha.
Where is this place and how can I live there? 17 comments
· 10 years ago
it looks like a side walk. Kinda disheartening lol. Id think its a sidewalk then fall in.
You know where I'm going with this 25 comments