

LeigionOfBoom Report User
Very unpopular opinion 70 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
It is true that other blacks kidnapped and sold them in Africa, but without the demand of Europeans and Americans, it wouldn't have happened nearly as much. It still would have, yes, but not to the same, terrible extent.
This is officially out of control 8 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Why is it not a turtle neck?
Straight outta logic 65 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Are you kidding me guest?! Multiple studies have shown that there is absolutely no difference between in terms of being "aggressive by nature" or something like that. Saying something is not only racist but ignorant as well
some of you should see this 23 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
It's only a problem when somebody says something like, all black people are worthless or something like that that shows clear racism
#ThisBlackLifeDoesn'tMatter 57 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Are you guys fucking kidding me. Just because you assault somebody doesn't mean you deserve to fucking die. Murder somebody, sure you don't deserve to live, but beating them? are you guys insane?
You are doing it right. It is 2015, not 1915 103 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Read the sources I provided again and tell me that it has nothing to do with specific jobs
You are doing it right. It is 2015, not 1915 103 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
How is it not a problem? In the exact same job, doing the exact same work, half the population receives significantly less money. What is not problematic about that?
Do the monkey with me 5 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Did somebody say Donald trump
You are doing it right. It is 2015, not 1915 103 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Felixo how has the wage stat been proven false?
CNN disagrees. But if the mainstream media isn't credible enough which is fair, how about the White House?
They still think it exists.
So does Stanford University.
So, tell me again how it's been proven false.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
I for one, enjoy being a straight female. Fight me about it 36 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
great. Just make sure that you recognize the advantage that you have by being a white male. Be as proud as you want but make sure you're aware of it
Does there have to be name calling just because I disagree? 27 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Except for the fact that they have been going up for the past 5 years or so and they have been consistently going up even with the fluctuations that you mentioned. Also, what evidence can you give me that the economy got worse in Obama's presidency. I gave some clear example of growth and you haven't shown me anything save for saying that Obama did a bad job
Does there have to be name calling just because I disagree? 27 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
In what way? Unemployment rates are dropping (admittedly pretty slowly), the housing market is back on the rise, Wall Street has bounced back, etc. How is this worse?
This senator is smart 44 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Thats not my opinion at all but all I'm saying is that from this snippet of information it does not seem like he is someone who should be in a position of power. Just using your example, if the only things that I knew about you was that you believed in unicorns for pretty much no reason whatsoever and that you were making extremely important decisions I wouldn't feel too good about that. Maybe what I don't know is that in every other aspect of your life you are a genius and I was wrong, but from the tiny snippet that I do know and from the fact that I don't think that the current Senate is helping the country, I am making an assumption that I would prefer somebody else who looked at things in a more objective way to take his place
This senator is smart 44 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
But thinking that a talking snake is more plausible than the strongest scientific theory at the moment sure doesn't convey to me that they are very smart or should be running a country
My opinion on dating 8 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Sure but absolutely trashing someone for something that they have zero control over such as height is in no way ok
This senator is smart 44 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
sorry I misread your post. I read it quickly and thought that you were saying that belief in creationism is not an indicator of their abilities. In this case I completely agree with you
This senator is smart 44 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Finally someone who can talk about this respectfully without feeling like somebody is insulting their beliefs. I'm really curious, could you show me the sources of some of that stuff like the dinosaurs above modern animals?
This senator is smart 44 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
but much of it has been tested and even through some hasn't there is still more evidence for it than creationism which should have been disproven years ago by carbon dating and ancient fossils
This senator is smart 44 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
I highly disagree. For someone to be able to do a good job in handling complex abstract reasoning as you mentioned, they should be intelligent and well informed. There is a lot of evidence against creationism (no talking snakes, ancient fossils, etc.) and a lot more supporting evolution with the vast majority of the scientific community in favor of that theory and then for someone to say that they don't know about the most likely theory that we know right now and that a talking snake seems more plausible indicates to me that they should not be running my country
Does there have to be name calling just because I disagree? 27 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
You guys do realize that more than any president in recent history the Republicans in Congress have dedicated their entire terms to preventing Obama from doing anything useful. And he still was able to help turn the economy around after what Budh did to it
coooool facts 15 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Why not? They existed 65 million years ago and if you were somehow able to see a close up of the earth from 65 million light years away there would seem to be dinosaurs on the earth because you would see the reflection of the light from 65 million years ago
Dragon on top of Gringotts Bank 11 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
It breaths fire every few minutes too
If we can all just collectively stop caring, that would be great 32 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Sorry Wolfpack. By Confederate ties I meant that he supported the Confederacy as shown by him posing with the Confederate flag.
If we can all just collectively stop caring, that would be great 32 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Yes we need to focus on gun regulations and the other aspects but racism is a massive problem and the fact that it was a historically black church and he had confederate ties so it is clear that race is part of the problem here so don't act like its not
If we can all just collectively stop caring, that would be great 32 comments
leigionofboom · 9 years ago
Sure but we still can't forget about racism which is what it seemed that the post was shooting for