If you ever feel dumb just remember that 6 comments
· 9 years ago
This is simply not true. This myth was actually started by the Author of the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. It was actually in one of his unpublished essays where he mentioned this line. Also, in order for this to happen the sloth would need to be completely lacking I'm all sense of touch. The feeling of grabbing their own arm should alert them it's not a tree branch.
Wow, that joke certainly is crossing a line 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Vote for trump 2016. The only candidate that can make America the most powerful nation on the earth again.
It's happened too everyone at least once 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm saying russian based on his pants, undershirt, and facial structure. He has that gaunt look many Russians have with their short, cropped hair.
i love this so much 4 comments
A problem everyone will suffer 4 comments
Really creative advertising 11 comments
· 9 years ago
As a stutterer myself, please heed this advice. I know I annoy people when I stutter but it sucks cause it's something I can't control
She took my breath away 5 comments
· 9 years ago
It gives me satisfaction knowing people like you will react this way. That is why I do it.
Never be held by zip ties again 7 comments
· 10 years ago
*spoiler* Lol yes he does die. In a magnificent fiery explosion at the end.
the feels 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's the youtuber Roman Atwood. He does pranks and things like this.