"If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all."
--Oscar Wilde
Imagine this waking you up every morning 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Best alarm clock ever!
Jimmy neutron 4 comments
Gotta love summer. 7 comments
Her face just gets me every time 11 comments
Gotta love summer. 7 comments
The best kind of neighbors 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I was soooo confused at first. I though it said a 12-pack of "Crayola's"
Forever and ever and ever 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Bella did not leave her family so she could live forever. If you recall from the last movie, she was still able to spend time with Charlie. She also got to keep the new family she loves and she got the chance to protect them, with the inner strength she found when she became a vampire. Just because she loved Edward wholeheartedly doesn't mean that she's weak. Love is not a weakness. She is strong because she loves, and that need to protect those she loves makes her strong enough to actually protect them. Bella was changed for the better because she realized the importance of her loved ones, like Charlie and Jacob and Edward. She became more confident when she became a vampire. While I agree that Bella collapsed when Edward left, it emphasizes the idea that love is powerful. So, I would argue that there are good messages in the Saga, not just ones like, "Having a boyfriend is the most important thing in life."
Forever and ever and ever 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Boo fucking hoo. It teaches us that family is important, love keeps you safe, and even though change is scary, it can change us for the better. It also teaches about finding your inner strength.
Forever and ever and ever 41 comments
· 10 years ago
How can people say Twilight isn't a story that has stayed with us forever, if people constantly make references to it? And it wasn't that bad! It had good messages.
When someone really attractive walks by 5 comments
Me during class 7 comments
Why you should always be kind 9 comments
Ive got it 4 comments
· 10 years ago
It kinda looks like he's running on his tail, like he replaced his leg with his tail, so he's running with his tail.
Quads style 8 comments
Ive got it 4 comments
Sometimes plastic is not fantastic 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I mean, this might be kinda rude, but that top pic just boosted my self-esteem immensely.
The Cast Of Harry Potter Says Goodbye.... 4 comments
· 10 years ago
They all look somewhat happy, but then there's Rupert, who looks like he's gonna break down sobbing any minute.
Lolz 6 comments
Something really funny happens to female chefs on their left sides 3 comments
· 10 years ago
They're laughing at how bad the competition's food to their left is.
Why Is This So True..? 6 comments