

— LemmingOverlord Report User
Fun fact about Pandas 2 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
Looks like the manpanda is wearing high heels...
Looks like something from star wars 11 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
False eraser 3 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
... and the paper it was written on.
North Korea is best Korea 21 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
they are also taught in school that american soldiers are cannibals and eat little children...
Something we should think about 3 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
there's a reason for this: we constantly seek to fit into groups, limited as they may seem. We constantly grade, label and separate ourselves from the throng (even though I innermost desire might be to belong to the throng). We seek to distinguish ourselves and be unique. I'm sure the Wright brothers weren't thinking "we're doing this for the betterment of mankind"... yet they might've held (or not) personal views on race or culture...
This would be a life-changing experience 2 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
true, but you can see this in so many ways (I choose the blue pill, for once):
- It could be some introvert who's therapist told him "go out and talk to people" but he feels needs to make it up to them for that.
- He can be doing a term paper, a doctorate's or actual real-life research, and it's cheaper to do it this way (although the sample would be skewed).
- He can use that knowledge to enrich other people's lifes (imagine he's a tour guide by profession. this adds so much colour to storytelling).
- While he might not use things just as they are told, knowledge of those life stories will surely enrich his, especially if he is an artist, and he can channel that knowledge into his art.
A breathtaking sight 1 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
Kim Jung-Un at it again?
Pick a girl who can do both 7 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
[EDITED] Saxony.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Tired of lava-hot bowls with ice cold centers? 3 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
also, put an appropriate lid over it
He might have done this before 3 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
that's another, smaller, backhoe (or did I misunderstand?)
git em 6 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
They were never in the Middle East. Afghanistan is in Central Asia. Wrap your heads around the fact that not every Muslim country is "Middle East" and that it's 3000 km from Kirkuk to Kabul.
And if you mean "Russia fighting muslim insurgents", well, let's not forget the lengths they went to, to crush the Chechen rebels.
Swim across the ocean for him 2 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
that must be a new recruit, and I'd consider that to be a proper initiation
What a shame the poor groom's bride is a horse 13 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
Silly orange juice 11 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
on the nose.... we just don't use "pulp" to describe juicy bits. oeerrrrrr
The brilliant minimum wage machine 30 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
Minimum wage in my country is 530€ per month (on a 40-hour week basis), and about 20% of the employed population makes minimum wage.
Average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment outside the capital is about 300€. Inside the capital it's twice that.
There is a (rather) strong belief among politicians and businessmen that minimum wage should be abolished because "it encourages people not to work harder because they already make enough money to live on". lol. of course, those who say it do not live on 530€/month...
Consider yourself lucky 1 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
think about it... he's been trying to get that nut for 15 years.
This would be so handy 5 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
In most American states that would mess up with the "liquor license" status quo. Also, drinking from an open container on the street is illegal. If you want to drink indoors, just order in.... :)
Bugs become art 1 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
flying tapeworms, my new nightmare
Speed difference 6 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
Of course, if you were riding around at 36K mph inside our atmosphere you'd just burn up due to friction.
Not all heroes wear capes 3 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
I'm so fucking OCD about this. This guy/gal is my hero.
Rip paul walker 7 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
this is the kind of shit I would enjoy doing anonymously if I were filthy fucking rich.
Fair enough 14 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
Actually I've never heard of anyone advocate Sharia Law in countries other than predominantly Muslim ones (except one crackpot Imam in London, but no-one took him seriously).
Many Muslims (outside ISIS) are resentful of foreign interference in their countries, so it's easy to capitalize on that.
"Sharia Law in the USA" is a pretty good punk song by The Kominas, tho'. I highly recommend this band, they are funny af at self-criticism and their religion, but still manage to rub salt in the "western" wound.
You wot mate?  12 comments
lemmingoverlord · 7 years ago
While I don't consider myself to be any where aligned with the views of that man on the bus, I'm calling bullshit on this one.
I'd pay a ticket to watch, I'd do backflips and clap (at the same time) to see this happen IRL, but I'm calling bullshit for now.