The chemicals are turning kid gay 9 comments
I've lived my entire life without head 3 comments
I want Dr. Hannah in my corner 6 comments
· 7 years ago
i think that's the point. symptoms begin being felt at the most distant extremities.
Champion of the Queen of England 19 comments
· 7 years ago
He'll bankrupt the fuck outta you, so you won't be able to pay your army and they all desert.
Rio Olympics were only a year ago, but the venues look like they've been deserted for ages 7 comments
· 7 years ago
No. It just takes something that's already there, and pushes it to an extreme (in this case, corruption and greed). The Olympic Committee already requires that the buildings be reused after the Olympics (it's in their specifications), but there is no way to enforce this.
I live in a country that hosted a European football championship quite a few years ago. All the stadiums that were built from the ground up are still in active public use to this day.
I live in a country that hosted a European football championship quite a few years ago. All the stadiums that were built from the ground up are still in active public use to this day.
Beautiful kitty 2 comments
I can't hear my turn coming. 8 comments
· 7 years ago
whenever I'm parking, I *always* turn off the music... it simply overwhelms my senses and I just need it gone.
Nigahiga 5 comments
· 7 years ago
They're not so awesome... drop a couple of them in a forested area and it will become desert in no time.
My boyfriend would do this. 21 comments
Real equality 16 comments
· 7 years ago
The fact that not everyone has an equal starting place is due to the fact that their ancestors did something that got them ahead. unfortunately, many fortunes were made (and will continue to be made) in a world where regulations are not in place to avoid imbalanced outcomes.
If a family fortune goes back 200 years, then believe me: it was built on child labour and 72 hour work weeks.
If a family fortune goes back 200 years, then believe me: it was built on child labour and 72 hour work weeks.
Solved the mystery 13 comments
· 7 years ago
you're really rubbing in the salt, aren'tcha? (I'm not Dutch, but I'm 6'6" and live in a mediterranean country)
Edited 7 years ago
This is an ATM pin code skimmer. Sneaky bastards 7 comments
· 7 years ago
there's an easier way to this... they sometimes put on a fake money slit in front of the real one. you withdraw cash, the fake slit captures the bills, and the machine thinks you've taken the money out. all the while, you're heading out to the closest branch to complain about the atm
Clever girl 20 comments
· 7 years ago
<brace for impact> wouldn't that actually be the female gender's fault? some marketeer, a long time ago, rationalized that women would go to greater lengths to take care of their aesthetics and hygiene. or would that be projected expectations of beauty that men hold women to?
A real hitter 12 comments
Only in America would one presume to think that disaster relief comes in the form of "true-blooded Americans".