The things you're willing to do 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah. He should do it out of ... interest.
Amazing before and after of a skull reconstruction 5 comments
· 6 years ago
it's part of a before and after gallery at a clinic "Marietta Facial Plastics"... If they aren't fake, they're pretty skillful
Ramadan Iftar in Cairo, Egypt 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Don't worry, in our progressive western society, women will continue to eat separately, but they will be the ones featured in the newspapers and on camera, instead of men. :)
If all else fails, break their arms 5 comments
Priorities 5 comments
Fixed it 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Let's just say that during Genghis' reign people didn't have such a heavy carbon footprint, mmmkay?
He felt that in his soul 11 comments
What does this mean to you? 8 comments
· 6 years ago
"He's too dumb to learn and keeps on forgiving the backstabbing bitch"?
Come on fast we can win this competition! 1 comments
Pretty much sums up tv networks right now 6 comments
Oldest WWII vet 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Discrimination in the Air Force and Navy was way more prevalent than the Army. Army took in everyone (native american, foreigners, hispanics, whites, blacks, etc...). Asians, in particular Japanese, got the short end of the stick in all the Armed Forces, for obvious reasons.
Whose side are you on? 54 comments
Whose side are you on? 54 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah, but a slave was property of his master, could be sold, whipped, branded and remained shackled for his life (in particular when performing outdoor work). I'm also pretty sure the type of food and garments they are afforded doesn't really compare to prison life. Food was whatever they could scrounge or what the master afforded them (varied greatly) and forget medical or anything.
Prisoners, on the other hand, are (in theory) getting 3 hot meals, warm clothing, medical (&dental) treatment, and hopefully studying so they get a life outside jail, afterwards.
They are paying back to society the crimes they committed. Unfortunately, if they aren't put to use, they won't really learn anything (work discipline, respecting hierarchy/authority, learning new skills). They are also a burden on the State for the length of their prison sentence. A costly burden, and as far as I know, the US is far from being a socialist state where taxpayers pay for other people's "social security".
Prisoners, on the other hand, are (in theory) getting 3 hot meals, warm clothing, medical (&dental) treatment, and hopefully studying so they get a life outside jail, afterwards.
They are paying back to society the crimes they committed. Unfortunately, if they aren't put to use, they won't really learn anything (work discipline, respecting hierarchy/authority, learning new skills). They are also a burden on the State for the length of their prison sentence. A costly burden, and as far as I know, the US is far from being a socialist state where taxpayers pay for other people's "social security".
This is what police do in my country 6 comments
Tio 16 comments
· 6 years ago
fwiw it does get confusing when the ladies call their boyfriends "papi"