

LemmingOverlord Report User
Mah sweet babi gurl 2 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
maybe it's not drinking...?
Bears in a tree 4 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
I guess there's a Russian at the foot of the tree.
Bears in a tree 4 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
I guess there's a Russian at the foot of the tree.
Quebec during the Christmas season 7 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Do you mean Quebec City or Montreal?
Sterr Werrs 8 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
I like how in this edit the director gave Chewie a medal
Gary Oldman being suave as hell in Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) 5 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
still the best Dracula
Who is the hunter and whom is the hunted 8 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
that's basically an Amazonian lifehack
I can’t believe you’ve done this 4 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Honestly, it was a mistake by NZ immigration that didn't test the ladies and let them go visit their relatives. Asymptomatic individuals can hardly be blamed for this...?
Meeting your FBI agent 2 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Actually looks like they're about to start a dance-off
Harold will not be mocked 2 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Very Silence of the Lambs
Freddy says so 2 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
This should be on a gov.uk site.
Fancy backflip 2 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Not fancy. Epic.
11 oo's in one paragraph 5 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Jump off a roof!
Someone make a sitcom from this 1 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
this sounds like a pitch meeting on screenrant
2021* 7 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
So... Apple will be an official sponsor?
Smol to larg 4 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Only a few million years between humans and dinosaurs co-existing...
Z e r o 4 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Wasn't that the whole point? We're way too preoccupied with other shit to care about some UFOs...!
Consent people 20 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Poorly structured, it should read: "Motherfuckers, Y'all need Satan"
Happens to the best of us guys 3 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Looks like Cap, talks like The Hulk
All hail Merkel 21 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
The US is so in debt with China that it can't face up to it without risking losing access to all its cheap manufacturing. It has literally peeved off every single ally it has by flaunting its power and expecting modern-day vassalage. American is not the greatest country in the world, nor has it ever been. Yet it relies on an internal belief that it is. This brings to the country all the dejects from the military interventions it plays (and played) a role in. Those who believe America is the greatest country in the world.
Meanwhile, profoundly authoritarian dictatorships like China are laughing all the way to the bank. Winnie the Pooh wins.
· Edited 4 years ago
All hail Merkel 21 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
Part 1/2
The funny part about this argument is that no side is in a position to do shit right now.
Russia is run by Putin and his henchmen, until he retires and then all hell breaks loose. Siberia is already "owned" by the Chinese, who strip mine and take all the natural resources. It is highly dependent on oil prices which have just crashed. The moment something happens to Putin, we're back to good ole vodka-fueled politics, i.e. insanity. People in the West might not like Putin, but he's the guy that keeps the internal weirdos at bay.
Germany likes to play both sides while casually turning a blind eye to its business partners all under the cover of "global trade". Look at its oil and gas deals with Russia, while providing logistical support to US operations throughout the world. It runs the EU and has its middle finger so up France's ass that when Merkl twists it, Macron gets his prostate exammed. In the meantime they get away with subsidising their businesses and the VW thing.
· Edited 4 years ago
HolUp 5 comments
lemmingoverlord · 4 years ago
This is actually a thing in business circles. People lose respect for you if you're constantly saying "I'm sorry" for the teensiest of things, things other people never apologise for. So instead think before saying it, and only if it really applies should you go this way.
If you done fucked up tho', then you should really get down on your knees and apologise.