Alexa Razo


Alexa Razo Report User
Thanks for the trick 7 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
I always forget Tatum is in this movie. He is perfection.
It's Actually Pretty Simple 10 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
That's what I thought. I'd love to be able to decipher which motherboard is best suited to my needs and the price range I should stick to but I can't. I figured that when I had those parts, it'd be sort of easy to put together.
f*cking pandas ruining America 24 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
So a bunch of grown adults were tired of being called mean names when they alined themselves with politicians and hate groups that terrorize other people and thus elected said person out of pure spite? Its not like this decision effects everyone in the country and abroad. That'll teach em'!
f*cking pandas ruining America 24 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Are you a racist, sexist, white supremacists or just an atrocious waste of a human being and tired of people calling you out on it? Dont want to take responsibility for your own stupid actions? Want your safe space back? Twist the blame onto them with this catch all phrase! "This is why Trump won"
Time zones 4 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
As a member of Congress, Mr. Pence voted against employment nondiscrimination protections for gay and transgender people and also voted against the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell." His opposition to gay rights goes back at least to his first congressional campaign, in 2000, when he opposed same-sex marriage and the nondiscrimination laws that protected L.G.B.T. people. He also argued for public funding of conversion therapy and said federal funding for H.I.V./AIDS treatment should be renewed only if the government could certify that no money went to “organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the H.I.V. virus,”
You're a virgin 52 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
I think your thinking of their Santa's elf like helper. He's a white kid in black face with big red lips. They tried to say the black face was soot.
Why You Shouldn't Donate Canned Food to Charities 5 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Good to know
Very relatable 4 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Should have read this fully. I didn't and I made the same point.
Very relatable 4 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Actually its asocial. Antisocial means you're actively hostile/try to destroy society around you. Anti- means "against" whereas a- means "without or no".
College so far 4 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Those inner city public wizarding schools really need more funding.
It's a mark that will stay over them for life, even if they are innocent 31 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
I think it helps other victims come forward.
Make this into a movie 8 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Why the emphasis on the guys ethnicity? Seems like they look down on the guy for being Mexican and a dishwasher so they can't fathom why the wife would want to sleep with him. Bad folks all around.
12 · Edited 8 years ago
Snow leopard derping out 5 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
"Talk to your cats about catnip. Just say no."
That's not "creating jobs". That's just being a d*ck. 9 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Ugh people...what a bunch of bastards
Thanks, obama 16 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Eh fuck it I'll continue anyway.
Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years.
Appointed first Latina to the US Supreme Court. Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB. Provided the Department of Veterans Affairs with more than $1.4 billion to improve services to America's Veterans. Signed the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which provides health care to 11 million kids -- 4 million of whom were previously uninsured. That's what I found in a few minutes. Google the rest your damn self.
5 · Edited 8 years ago
Thanks, obama 16 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
All of this and more with stubborn fat cat Republicans breathing down his neck and blocking any further advancement. Should I continue?
8 · Edited 8 years ago
Thanks, obama 16 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Tax cuts for up to 3.5 million small businesses to help pay for employee health care coverage. Tax credits for up to 29 million individuals to help pay for health insurance. Added 4.6 billion USD to the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals. Significantly increased funding for the Violence Against Women Act. Significantly expanded Pell grants, which help low-income students pay for college. Expanded hate crime law in the US to include sexual orientation through the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Signed financial reform law establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to look out for the interests of everyday Americans. Signed financial reform law prohibiting banks from engaging in proprietary trading (trading the bank's own money to turn a profit, often in conflict with their customers' interests). Signed financial reform law allowing shareholders of publicly traded companies to vote on executives
I just found my next favorite movie 5 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
What a ridiculous silly plot for a movie - I love it.
Improve everything you write 7 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Also copy and paste your work into Google translate and listen to it spoken back to you. This helps get the flow down and checks for grammar/spelling mistakes.
leave 5 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
No one other than Adam and Eve should be allowed to get married! You're named Mark? No marriage for you! Evelyn? Not close enough!
Break their logic 5 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Seven psychopaths
Satan pls 25 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Imagine trying to figure out what's touching you so you pour food coloring into the pool and slowly, horrifingly realize that its filled with these invisible bodies.
The rest of the world needs this 57 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Amber you truly are a piece of shit sub animal. To say you had any humanity at all would be degrading to the entire human race. Fuck off and die.
Realistic expectations 5 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Expect this on your first day of: highschool, college, new job, new career, nursing home....
I need to know the start and end of this story 5 comments
lexipop21 · 8 years ago
Is that Michael Mcdonald?