User liebe_turd Banned
It's been years... but I do use the passenger side. 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Sign that someone is single in Britain
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
· 8 years ago
@mrscollector you hit the spot more than I hit a g spot. These spoiled brats wouldn't understand it if you took a pencil and draw it out to them. They throw away 2 week "old" iPhones. When I was their age I licked yoghurt lid in order to use as much of it as i can. I wore same jeans for week. I walked everywhere. These kids will eat us alive... I don't know what to do.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
· 8 years ago
Haha. Occams Gillette is sucha snob snot kid. "Moving only costs a fortune" (?!). Don't you have friends with trucks? If I paid moving company and it's workers and their fuel and "packing included" every time I moved, I'd move to the streets till I was 21! And if I as a snob had "bare necessities" like leaf blower AND a snowblower and blender and mixer and electric toothbrush and pizza stove and hot dog maker and bagel cutter and still rarely eating at home, travel 2miles distances by subway, throwing away 2 week "old" shoes (and iPhones) clothes and throwing away half of pizza in trash. You need beating. Not a slap. Real beating, broken lip one, no matter how young you are.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
· 8 years ago
We in Yugoslavia had 12, 000% inflation. Yes you read it right... 4, 000 000 000 dinars (8 US $) month salary. Eight bucks! By the time you run to the shops from work, it vanishes into the thin air eaten by inflation. How did we get there. By spending our 1000$ US $ salaries on trinkets, on vacations, on 40,000$ car,on microwaves, leaf blowers, eating drinking it away, buying clothes... While having work hours shortened, expanded paid vacations, 2h long lunch breaks, 3rd child was practically raised by state, free colleges....... Just like most of Europe now (and they think they're on the right track) and you ask US to do the same. STFU and calm your tits. Or eat tree barks like us (1989 -1000$ salary.... 1991 eating bark)
What if clothes just suddenly disappeared 3 comments
Modern keyboard concept 17 comments
· 8 years ago
This is not modern. We had frogpads(there, it's in autocorrect even) 30 y ago. They're much more fitting to hands than this. I wore them in bus, writing my novels.
Fun Facts about South Korea 18 comments
Which other countries celebrate Fat Thursday? 20 comments
A small island in Rovaniemi, Finland. I could live out my days here 7 comments
· 8 years ago
You'd live out for a month. "Wood" wouldn't last more than 5h, vegetables that you need to plant first, for 6 days, your source of meat would die of hunger. You'd have to go to a store till the end of this week, and you'd have to earn money for that, and for boat fuel. And you will have to work for the money... 8h work, and 2h to and from work. It'd be nice if you have time to shave. Sorry but welcome to adult life
Arabian nights 3 comments
Simply beautiful 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah but I really try to figure out what's the worst thing they could do. There's not much to steal, no murder, they're all probably family, drugs are okay....
and now you know 15 comments
Planet x 8 comments
· 8 years ago
It's a vampire planet. Telescopes are mirrors. That's why we can't see it.
In Singapore we also have animal bridges 7 comments
· 8 years ago
As if you don't know animals, they do whatever. They go straight to the crocodile mouth.
Things are what you make of them 23 comments
· 8 years ago
@asaw this is the best post in a while. I see some of you realize adult life, and realize wusses that cry over "problems" while there are real problems in the world only make world shittier place. By making America small again. If you want "better" school, it's very easy, move to Scandinavia. And fall down with them. Trust you me, Yugoslavia had free education, no taxes, you got communal apartments, 6h worktime, holiday days off, 13th paycheck, 0% unemployment, 3rd child was govt's child ,one policeman per town of 15000,helpfull,not "brutal",presidents' children were arrested for not paying a bus ticket..... That's not normal. Free stuff IS unsustainable. My mother '87 had 1000$, '89 100$, '91...2$. If you want free school, both money free and hours off for rest, you move to socialist heaven... And die in few years.