

— Lilmissbaconlover Report User
Tall and short 11 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 8 years ago
I'm 5"2'.
This would be amazing 25 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 8 years ago
Does anybody know when this is coming out?
I see too many adults trying to pull this shit 30 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Also, slurping.
Ed Sheeran isn't appreciated enough 11 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
I don't really like his music but he does seem like an amazing person.
true I act like both pictures 11 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
I look a lot like the second girl from the left in the first picture.
No Comment 9 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
No clever quip.
mine is a gigantic knee-high can of campbell's tomato soup 30 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Mice. Like seriously I live next to a field it's horrible.
The place where everyone becomes a judge 6 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
The reason I deleted my Facebook. Like seriously they say tumblr is fucked up.
and another one 2 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Yet so beautiful.
In response to the back to school commercials 9 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
We get the same date :(
Does there have to be name calling just because I disagree? 27 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
But you should also be able to think he is a good president without being judged.
Party Time!!! 15 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
"The creepy sexual ones are the best"
Amazing little humans 14 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
This kid has better hair than me.
All these numbers 7 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Hello, Moriarty.
Best description of steam ever 8 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
I wasn't prepared for this.
SPREAD THIS 11 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
I Didn't really like these movies.
When you hear the pizza man coming! 3 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Way too serious dance.
Also the p*rn gifs every 10 minutes 3 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Ahh... superwholock.
Alan Turing, everyone (Had to learn about him from a movie!) 18 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
I meant best "friend"
Alan Turing, everyone (Had to learn about him from a movie!) 18 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
But he named the computer after his best friend
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Remember when Leslie Knope married those gay pengwings?
Think for a moment 22 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
This reminds me of the game life is strange. Episode 3.
Why are People Against It? 126 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Will you be following up with the results?
Nah 2 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Rocky 11 comments
lilmissbaconlover · 9 years ago
Mentally... :(