Some people we need to hear about but we never do. 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Skittles, I don't think that's what he meant. I don't want to be rude, and I do believe we went to the moon, but he put it in QUOTATION MARKS (not parentheses ) and I think he put that to represent sarcasm, not to quote something. As in "moon landing, yeah right"
The best after their father died. 18 comments
· 9 years ago
That's why i said "they say" I don't think it's true. My chorus teacher winks at everyone all the time
The best after their father died. 18 comments
· 9 years ago
In one of the newer episodes they say that when a man winks at Dean, he winks back and that that is his bisexuality proven.
I don't know if this joke is officially outdated yet 11 comments
· 9 years ago
So what? They can put what they want. It's not like somebody goes through every single post on fun substance JUST to see if theirs a repost
A Tomato plant 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Ha ha no they don't magical unicorns from the end of the rainbow poop them into the dirt
i love this 38 comments
· 9 years ago
OH MY GOD REFERENCES (if you guys don't know it's say 'this is not a snarfblat' which is what scuttle tells Ariel is a 'Snarfblat' here's a better definition of you need it)
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
· 9 years ago
I love how the debate just abruptly stopped and now it's talk of gender. SO MANY THINGS
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
Black history month 36 comments
· 9 years ago
It's not that hard to just spell out great. Why do you have to condense it? I have always thought that abbreviations are stupid. You don't say "that's gr- number 8" do you? And another thing. If you're have a deep conversation through text, why don't people spell their words out? When you do that, your saying you don't care enough to take the extra two seconds it takes to spell out a word. I'm sorry for the random rant, but I just thought it had to be said.
When you see it 14 comments
I remember watching it 14 comments
· 9 years ago
This was the last episode of the classic episodes honey, not overall. Actually read what people say.
I just realized Amy's apartment number is Pi! 12 comments
Which Sherlock do you like? :D 13 comments
· 9 years ago
You're right you do suck at everything, Robert is an AMAZING actor and person, and I am definitely obsessed with Iron Man, but Benedict is SO much better at being Sherlock, and he would not be a good Iron Man. No one can have a portrayal like Benedicts when it comes to Sherlock, and no one can have a portrayal like Robert when it comes to Iron Man
World peace for dummies 26 comments
· 9 years ago
People are tricked into thinking those things, so you shouldn't blame everyone.
Yep, Disney did it again 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually it is an old African story that's been for way longer than kimba the white lion