Cars of the future can blink 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me, dawg
You shall not pass! 8 comments
Get your priority straight 7 comments
Interlocked watermelon carving 3 comments
Dining tip for a great steak 39 comments
· 7 years ago
So, if the chef is vegetarian is he just going to bring a live cow to my table?
Can somebody please explain this!? 14 comments
Why can't you meow like normal cats 3 comments
People need to see this 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Cape Town is very much part of South Africa. I think she was trying to make a joke about the cost of living in Cape Town. Source: I’ve been there
This handheld printer 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Does it have a stabalizing mechanism? Cause I can’t make straight lines/keep my hands from shaking.
Like he just gave birth 7 comments
Would you do it or not? 17 comments
Topkek 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Curiosity question: would you stay or leave? I would probably stay because 19 (otherwise happy) years is a lot to just walk away from. Plus if he hasn’t noticed by now Sex/physical attraction clearly wasn’t a problem.
Giant 17ft python pregnant with 87 eggs caught in Florida Everglades 30 comments
· 7 years ago
To all the people saying that it’s sad/cruel: It’s unfortunate but they’re an invasive species that are devestating the FL wildlife population. Don’t get mad at animal control get mad at the idiots who bought a pet python, couldn’t take care of it, and then dumped it in the woods in FL. Before you feel bad remember that a 17’ python could easily eat you, your child, or your pet.
Edited 7 years ago
That could be me, but I'm not about to test that 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Most of the deaths in Europe where also concentrated in large densely populated cities. More people in europe lives in cities than people in Asia thus more deaths. That plus European vs Asia cultural habits regarding cleanliness (i.e. hand washing, not wearing shoes indoors, not letting animals in your house, don’t shit in the water your drink) meant Asian communities were a lot cleaner than European ones. Dirty living + close living quarters = tons of death in Europe
Getting away with a small achievement like: 7 comments
· 7 years ago
It’s the teacher equivalent of “I have eyes in the back of my head”
Gonna leave this here 14 comments
· 7 years ago
In my state you can bring a firearm almost anywhere if you have a ccp. And you don't need to have a license or register your firearm.