

— LittleHorseRodriguez Report User
>:3 1 comments
littlehorse · 1 year ago
Funny joke, but that article would really be horrific advice. Watch any video showing the difference between an open door and closed door in a housefire. Them cats trying to kill you.
Sailor Monday - Moon Knight 2 comments
littlehorse · 1 year ago
I love Moon Knight, but for a split second I thought she was some sort of white crab lady with pincers and hair-eyestalks. Hard to unsee.
All . Of. Them 1 comments
littlehorse · 1 year ago
Unfortunately, the "polite" way to merge is wildly ineffective. "Zipper merging" where both lanes travel as normal and then merge 1 car at a time (alternating) is statistically proven to be the fastest method and keep everybody moving the best. Everyone stacking in one lane way ahead of time causes unneeded congestion.
Aaaaaww .. 2 comments
littlehorse · 1 year ago
I'd cry all the time too if I had to live in Pennsylvania again...
Took me a second ngl 1 comments
littlehorse · 2 years ago
I mean, dnd lets any call through the second time if they call twice in a row.
Emergencies are persistent.
Toad for me 10 comments
littlehorse · 2 years ago
Toad every time!
Potatoes! 1 comments
littlehorse · 2 years ago
Pop tart, duh.
It's reasonable to be angry. 53 comments
littlehorse · 2 years ago
@scatmandingo It took you a really long time to actually state the name of the bill in question and explain an actual point. I'm not saying you're wrong, it would just appear that you are intentionally confrontational so you can act aloof as a follow-up. Discussions are wonderful, but you seem to approach them in bad faith.
It appears to me as immaturity to begin with insults rather than information. I am not trying to insult you here, either. You just seem profoundly angry and I personally don't believe you'll find satisfying discourse with this approach.
Best of luck to you.
You can't have your cake 11 comments
littlehorse · 3 years ago
It is a malaphor of these two affirmative responses:
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Does the pope wear a funny hat?
You can't have your cake 11 comments
littlehorse · 3 years ago
My most commonly used: "Does the pope shit in the woods?"
Jesus and his whip 4 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
This is an interesting and delightful sentiment, but occam's razor would suggest Jesus simply picked up a whip/braid of cords as the society used them commonly for animals and slaves. In a location as phenomenally busy as the Temple (essentially the religious and cultural center of the city that had become the economic center as well) it would make sense that these items would be present in abundance.
False goody voiceless Buffalo 9 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
Exactly what I was coming here to say. Tremendous difference if you have the door shut. Longer video than it needs to be, but watch from the halfway point if you want to see the fire in action: "vimeo . com/293952932" (no spaces around the . obviously)
Cute mere political Octopus 1 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
Sounds more like a naruto gonna be. Kid got that choppin' done.
Makes me sad 6 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
Yeah, I was gonna point out that his height had nothing to do with his shite personality.
Makes me sad 6 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
Yeah, I was gonna point out that his height had nothing to do with his shite personality.
Bluebird sitting on her eggs in my backyard 2 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
Your backyard is really small.
This person brought up a pretty good point 3 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
It is true that cloth mask and surgical masks prevent a physical barrier which can help you from coming in contact with fluids expelled when people cough and talk. But once the virus becomes aerosolized and transitions into particles in the air, nothing but an N95 (or higher rated) mask that seals completely to your face will prevent you from breathing the virus in. The virus is simply too small and actually moves between the fabric of face covering masks. I completely agree though, science shows definitively that the more people that wear a mask of any type (except neck gaiters of course) will reduce the amount of virus in the air and the number of people contaminated.
This person brought up a pretty good point 3 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
Except the entire purpose of the general public wearing masks is that the person wearing the mask is preventing themselves from putting the virus into the air, particularly since you are most contagious during the first 2 days when most people are asymptomatic.
No one with any knowledge of the science behind the masks will tell you that wearing a normal face covering (anything other than N95) will prevent YOU from getting the virus. It's all about not aerosolizing the virus when you speak/cough/breathe and not infecting others. You should absolutely care if someone else isn't wearing a mask. That is the entire scientific point.
littlehorse · 4 years ago
Also, I mean, the RED planet. Who am I to question destiny?
"Australia Burning" - 120m long sand art made with a leaf rake 1 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
It looks like that koala is attempting to pee the fire out.
Not all heroes wear capes.
· Edited 4 years ago
Going off of what @xvarnah did 12 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
I played a game called Tribes (turns out the full title was Starsiege Tribes) back in the late 90s. It was an online first person shooter with various light, medium, and heavy classes that each had really unique abilities/weapon sets. None of that mattered so much. They also had jetpacks that could be used with in-game "physics" to launch you across huge maps and right into your enemy's base. Think: fly high, quick tap jump as you slide down a hill, and blast that jetpack as you shoot up another like a ramp. It was a fun game, but nothing compared to capping your enemy's flag at a thousand miles per hour shooting through their front door before they could build defenses.
Yeah, the game came out in 1998. I'm sure it didn't age well, who knows. I'm old but had a lot of fun playing it as a kid!
Wiki good 11 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
You have to understand that wikipedia was not as well moderated in the beginning (which was 2001, btw). It was literally just people posting all sorts of information mixed with opinions and they did not have the structure to quickly monitor or edit it all. It really was untrustworthy at the start because it was just random people writing whatever they felt like about different topics. And kids would go there for reports and quote all sorts of incorrect information that had no source links at the time. So a lot of people held over that view of distrust, even after it became more reputable. It's foolish to think wikipedia is still as untrustworthy, but it's also foolish to think that it was always so organized and official.
TL;DR - Things change.
Stronk 4 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
It also doesn't account for the size variance here. Are the teddy bears sponge size and therefore not "average" in size and weight? Or is spongebob MUCH larger than an average sponge in order for the average teddy bear to be proportionately appropriate to him?
Public restroom anxiety 18 comments
littlehorse · 4 years ago
No free shows. You gotta pay.
True story. Pm me for business opportunity 7 comments
littlehorse · 5 years ago
Am I the only one that's like physically angry by how the wood is so poorly stacked?!