

No, llamas don't actually fly......
Not yet anyway.....

— llamas0can0fly Report User
Akhal Teke, one of the most beautiful horse breeds in the world 8 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
Actually that breed has naturally wavy hair! (At least most of that kind of breed do.) it is not normally that perfect because it gets tangly after 5 seconds of not brushing it lol.
Fabbiha cannot handle your shit rn 5 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
thanks, I’ve been kind of down lately and that helped a lot
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Umm..... Music? 8 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
Yeah why you gotta be rude about it? Keep it to yourself
Fabbiha cannot handle your shit rn 5 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
sorry, I'll stop
Totally what I would do! 9 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
please continue calling people a noodle brain
Fabbiha cannot handle your shit rn 5 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
The Blue Java banana with vanilla flavour and ice cream consistency 5 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
is this real? because this sounds amazing
New friends 8 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
whoops lol
New friends 8 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
I think they're all ready used to each other *wiggly eyebrows*
Tooth fairy 9 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
why? you got some to spare?
Totally what I would do! 9 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
*cannibalism activated*
brutal! 4 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
I just snorted
This is America. 5 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
exactly what I was thinking
Free soup 7 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
can someone right a book about this?
like a broke college student finds soup on a hike.
and you know its soup, and its free so why not?
Tooth fairy 9 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
this is absolutely amazing art, I love it
Catazon Prime delivery 1 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
Yessss I've been waiting for so long
New friends 8 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
floof protector
Life Goals ! 10 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
me too
Behold currently! You are entirely a star child! 7 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
I love this so much lol
I've been laughing for 5 minutes now
What are you thinking right now 9 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
um why?
Wooaaahhh 1 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
this happened to me literally 30 seconds ago
Sidewalk chalk vs tire 1 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
Friendship through the toughest of times 1 comments
llamas0can0fly · 5 years ago
aww. I hope that doggo will be okay