An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.— lokihasthephonebox Report User
How sheets actually work 6 comments
· 8 years ago
no cas you don't understand blankets work just like salt they limit the grabby zone, bc ~ghost science~
I'm pretty sure I hallucinated like half of my childhood 17 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm so glad I finally know that whole memory of this movie was actually legit bc none of my friends have heard of it so I've always thought it was some crazy dream I remember from when I was like 4
Girl was moving too fast for the camera 9 comments
Right there 56 comments
The woes of a two-party system 43 comments
· 8 years ago
I think if it has to be done, it should only be done if it needs to be (life of the mother in danger, she was raped, etc) and needs to be early on, nothing like those third trimester (although illegal they still happen, sadly) abortions. Honestly, I still consider it killing your own child no matter how small or early-on it may be in development and nothing makes that 100% okay, however sometimes it puts the mother in (talking legitamate danger here, not just "oh I don't want a kid anymore") danger and that's never okay either.
Well we don't have a choice 13 comments
· 8 years ago
We're defined by a set of numbers and that sets out entire worth. And yet, we don't really learn much that we'll use daily later in life, but things that aren't useful yet "required" so we have to know them.
Well we don't have a choice 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I just hate how learning was basically ruined for us. I love learning new things, but suddenly when we have to learn it for a test it takes all the fun out of it. Same for reading- I used to love books but with all the stuff I have to do with the books I have to read for school, it takes the fun out of just being able to enjoy the book.
Only certain ones. 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Some people might think those are just weird jokes. Others just know. *eheheheheeee*
The baby has been possessed 11 comments
· 9 years ago
The moment when you've watched too much supernatural and now reach for salt in any weird/eerie situation you find yourself in
It was a good book 19 comments
· 9 years ago
My friend was once told by her *english teacher* that she wasn't allowed to read, even though all of her work had been done a for a while. He legit told her she couldn't do anything except stare at the wall, not even put her head down, work on other hw or read.
Fine looking horse 21 comments
· 9 years ago
English, saddleseat to be exact. There's nothing like a game saddlebred who can strut his stuff!
Fine looking horse 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Ikr! I don't think many people on here ride. What style do you ride in?
Pray for Brussels 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm going to NYC for my spring break with my church. Four plane rides (indirect flights so we have layovers) total. I'm kinda nervous but hey, what are the odds something could happen to me and my group, within the four days I'm there and in the exact location of us within a huge city..right?
Fine looking horse 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Same! My boy is 16.3 which is pretty tall even for Saddlebreds, but I've always adored Drafts. That, and a little Halflinger pony at our barn named Willow.
Fine looking horse 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Yup, he's a Saddlebred. I tried MTG on my horses mane and tail, it grew like a weed and what stayed is super long. Sadly, nearly half his (which dragged the ground) tail fell out and it ended near his hocks. Even though I did a test spot and monitored it, I guess he was allergic. You ever find anything that promotes tail growth but won't 'clog up' his tail?
Edited 9 years ago
I guess shopping can be a two way street 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Cabellas is the best though. And they sell the best fudge in the little cafe (ok so it's not really a cafe, but I don't know what other word to use and I'm lazy ehe) they have. It's a two-for-two!
Fine looking horse 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, true. Most Friesians don't have this long of manes though, do they?
This is why i don't make real world friends anymore 77 comments
· 9 years ago
Thanks y'all. It's been tough lately but I'm sticking with the two I like.
My thoughts exactly 5 comments
· 9 years ago
It's okay to disagree with someone's views but we're not supposed to be those Christians people always talk about who protest at gay rights events and all that crap. We're supposed to spread love, y'all. You can peacefully disagree with someone while still being there for them and providing support, which is what so many 'Christians' forget.
Fine looking horse 21 comments
· 9 years ago
Can he please tell me how he grew his mane out so long bc I'd really like to know ehe