An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.
— lokihasthephonebox Report User
His hair is surely awesome. 8 comments
Self mind-reading 15 comments
· 9 years ago
In fifth grade this girl at my school started this game at recess where you were some magic being (like fairy, unicorn, dragon, etc) and somehow she got, I kid you not, the entire fifth grade into the game. Like, it would come up in day to day conversation (questions like "what are you" and stuff like that)...if I remember right, I chose to make myself a mermaid who, when dry, turned into a unicorn fairy.
Best game ever.
Best game ever.
A jacket for carrying your pets 16 comments
A jacket for carrying your pets 16 comments
I do <3 12 comments
i feel sorry for this Stag 5 comments
How not to communicate with ghosts 11 comments
100 Years of Breed Evolution 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I had (rest in peace, she passed two years ago) a German Shepard, husky, chow, and wolf mix..she was the absolute sweetest dog I have ever met. We were so blessed to have her as long as we did (she lived to be 18, even as a big dog. She had to be put down because of old old age; she couldn't walk anymore T.T). Best dog you could ask for. <3
How not to communicate with ghosts 11 comments
· 9 years ago
yep..smart person explaination of what I was trying to say *hi fives for metalman*
How not to communicate with ghosts 11 comments
· 9 years ago
*totally an expert* english is derived from a Germanic (east or west, I forget..I think west) language.
The pizza initiative. 4 comments
· 9 years ago
My church went to a thing in July where we all stayed in hotel, and people would order pizza and have it delivered to the hotel. There would be like 3 or more brands of pizza guys holding like 5 boxes of pizza each at 10 at night, all just glancing at each other awkwardly. Heh heh heh
I decided to give it a try 92 comments
The most important places in each American state 46 comments
Perseid Meteor Shower 8 comments
They shouldn't be surprised if men return a hit 75 comments
· 9 years ago
In gym class, the gym teacher would tell the guys throwing a dodgeball at me "don't hurt her throw it gently" man if I can ride a horse (which also entails taking care of the horse, think lifting grain and hay, heavy stuff) I think I can take a hit off a dodgeball. It's not like I'm gonna be all "ow that hurt why did you do that" I'm gonna be like (to my friend) "avenge meeeee...*fakes death*"
I'm not condoning actual fighting, I mean a girl can hit a guy and a guy can hit a girl, I'm just saying if there has to be fighting, it hopefully shouldn't entail punching anyone in the first place. *drops mic*
Edited 9 years ago
I'm not condoning actual fighting, I mean a girl can hit a guy and a guy can hit a girl, I'm just saying if there has to be fighting, it hopefully shouldn't entail punching anyone in the first place. *drops mic*