An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.
— lokihasthephonebox Report User
But I love it 25 comments
· 9 years ago
This accurately describes both thick hair (which I have) and long hair (which I also have). You people with dead straight hair don't know how lucky yall are *narrows eyes*
Smart horse 12 comments
Smart horse 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Correction - he would flat out walk into the house and lay down or something
Smart horse 12 comments
Life under the waves 5 comments
· 9 years ago
When I was in Florida, we took our jet ski out and swam along with fish and dolphins. Most magical thing to see wild animals doing what they do best. Once in a lifetime thing to have little fish swim all around you and later on swim right above a dolphin. And the water was so clear! Could see every little detail.
It probably has something to do with going to the outernet 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I stepped on Adam Levine's foot but it was at a photo op not random ehehe
As a Syrian I wanna thank everyone who's trying to help us. We really do appreciate it 22 comments
· 9 years ago
To each his own, I love the church I go to wholeheartedly but we should try to make an impact! (:
As a Syrian I wanna thank everyone who's trying to help us. We really do appreciate it 22 comments
· 9 years ago
It's sad that people see Christians as hateful people when in reality the bible itself says that one of the most important rules to Christianity is to love another as yourself. That means treat people the way you want to be treated,- and to spread love, not hatred. So many "Christians" overlook this rule that is so important yet so overlooked. We're supposed to be changing the world through love, not hatred, guys. It's okay to disagree but never to hate someone for their sins. Instead of throwing objects or writing on signs to/at them, try to show some compassion and love on them!
Edited 9 years ago
Amazing 40 comments
· 9 years ago
My entire lower abdomen is having cramps that feel like knives, while blood is coming out with cramps, and I'm supposed to be all happy and stuff..like I can't stand up when I have cramps. I'll be in a store or something and I'll just sit on the floor.. Cramps do let you get away with anything though I'll give them that
Babe 13 comments
Dont get mad, pay it forward! 20 comments
· 9 years ago
that's what I just said..it's not meant to be left in place of money. That's not the point. It's made to look like money because it's an automatic attention grabber to see a dollar lying on the floor. It never would be intended to be left in place of a bill.
Gotta love the reality behind this 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I can't speak for the-pacifist here but I made my own descions to become a Christian. And I see evidence all around me everyday, some just don't know how or where to look for it.
Babe 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Fun story: I met maroon 5 once for a free photo op they were doing at a Kroger. I stepped on Adam Levine's foot ehehe
Well, isn't that accurate enough? 18 comments
mice mouse 7 comments
Pet-human relationships 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Cat: *rolls over* rub ma belly hooman
Me: can't tell if it's a trap or he's being nice today
Five seconds later: *cat bites are now drawing blood* ITS A TRAPPP
Me: can't tell if it's a trap or he's being nice today
Five seconds later: *cat bites are now drawing blood* ITS A TRAPPP
Dont get mad, pay it forward! 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't think that's the point. It's not supposed to be something you leave in place of an actual bill or check. I think it's to grab people's attention, like if you left it on a table someone would definetly go to grab it. Way of spreading the word, that's all
Modern cavalry war horses 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I've been around horses for going on nine years now. This isn't mistreatment. It's against the horses' instinct to lay down and not run from the loud sounds and everything else that would scare them (horses are prey animals, they scare easy). But this comes nowhere near abuse. No amount of training can force a horse to do this; you can beat a horse to train him to do something but you can never flat out force him to do something like this. If the horse wanted to he could get up and trot off. This can't be trained or forced: this is a bond between horse and rider so strong that the horse will go against all of his gut feeling and instinct to stay with his rider. Some of yall may say there's no such thing but I know for a fact there is.
Edited 9 years ago
you dont need to fake it, you have rights to be sad. 45 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeeeey thanks guys. Yall are nicer than some of my friends in real life haha *hugs back*