An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.
— lokihasthephonebox Report User
Every time I notice my cat is sleeping peacefully 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I thought I was the only one who basically lays all over my cat when he's sleeping. Good to know there's other crazy cat people like me #catarmy
How to wake someone up in class 20 comments
· 9 years ago
One of my teachers said last year he had a kid fall asleep on him, so when the bell rang the kid was still asleep, so the teacher told everyone to get up really quietly and let him sleep through the next class to see when he'd wake up. When he did wake up, it was halfway through the next class and e was really freaked out.
basically my life. 232 comments
· 9 years ago
My mom is a fighter. When she had me she had preeclampsia, 3 months early, her placenta broke and numberous other complications I won't talk about. People say I'm a fighter considering my odds but my mom really is. She went to hell and back and I can't thank her enough for putting up with me, then and now. Just saying, we (my mom and I) do stuff for each other. I know some of y'all may not have the best relationship or its just hard. I can't necessarity relate first hand but if y'all need a buddy, I'm here.
Edited 9 years ago
Adventure Time remix of Supernatural 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I love how Cas is just kinda standing there like "Hello friend, there is nothing wrong in the world today, have you met my friends the bees"
Where's America? 34 comments
· 9 years ago
England: where's America?
Canada: I got this.
Canada: ahem.
America: *bursts through wall* WHERE DID YA COME FROM COTTEN EYE JOE
Canada: I got this.
Canada: ahem.
America: *bursts through wall* WHERE DID YA COME FROM COTTEN EYE JOE
Reading music 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Same. I had many triangle solos in my middle school band. Good times.
SuperWhoLock class by Tumblr 3 comments
I hope you'll read this, Mister Felix! 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I got my cat this way! We found out he was dumped behind a dentist office as a kitten and lived there as a stray. A lady in my neighborhood took him in but her other cat ran him off and he wandered to our house. We gave him some tuna and he thanked us by sitting on your shoulder (the best he can), lol. He's the best! His name is Fred and he's the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Some of the most spectacular cloud formations 12 comments
· 9 years ago
It's so weird when you go on a plane for the first time and realize that clouds have dimensions and sides and stuff like that. Like you look up and you just see a blob and you don't think about the possibility of clouds being shaped and having width and depth and how different each individual cloud is. It's just weird and really cool to me.
Ps- I don't know why I'm so fascinated by this
Ps- I don't know why I'm so fascinated by this
Greatest boss 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Can't decide which is funnier- the guys really fake/"help me" smile or the actual post
when the author kills the main character off 12 comments
when the author kills the main character off 12 comments
The best tasting coke comes in this 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Glass bottled Coke aside, I don't know why I like cans better but I just do. Plastic bottles aren't too bad but when it's poured in a glass from a two liter bottle..urgh. For some reason it just isn't the same and I don't know why but it just does T.T
I hear they're resurrecting an ancient virus 2 comments
· 9 years ago
Supernatural fans: *cough cough* Croatoan virus *cough cough* leviathans *cough* we all gon die
Pizza? 9 comments
When people say 'But you don't look sick/ disabled.' 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Thank you! And you too, I know how hard being born early is, lol. And yeah, we've been down some hard roads together but we're lucky to have each other. I hope your son is well too, and hope he has a wonderful life ahead of him. I know he will!:)
As an engineer in college, this happens way to often 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Math is my one thing that I just can't grasp. Made the mistake of signing up for an advanced math class..I can understand it so far, I'm just a little slow but I'll eventually get the right answer. People will laugh at me when I make the wrong answer and I can hear people holding their breath when I answer a question in front of the class like they're waiting for me to mess up. It has made me absolutely dread math class even more than I already had. Guys, just don't do it. Help people with their struggles if you're gonna do something.
When people say 'But you don't look sick/ disabled.' 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Also (ran out of space up there) I don't want y'all to think I was saying that for attention or anything. It's just all I have to go through. But my mom deserves serious props too, she suffered from preeclampsia and delivered me 3 months early by C-section. Heck, she nearly bled out in birth. She's just as much of a fighter as I am if not more, if one of us deserves attention it's her.
Edited 9 years ago
When people say 'But you don't look sick/ disabled.' 17 comments
· 9 years ago
This post describes my life. I have a genetic disorder called PCD. In as short of a description possible, we all have these teeny hairs all over our body called cilia. Normal cilia move and that helps mucus and all the bad stuff in your, for example, lungs, get moved out of your lungs/where it shouldn't be. Well, mine don't do that, so basically all that gunk is just sitting there. It also leads to things like chronic ear and sinus infections, and it's a heck of a lot easier to get things like pneumonia and bronchitis, each of which I've had three/four times at least (I'm 15). I once had an ear infection for two months..and 11 surgeries (not all PCD related). Heck, might not even be able to have a baby later on. There's also a lot of other stuff but y'all can google that on your own time. But the problem is it's a genetic disorder - no cure. It's super rare tho with odds of 1 to 22,000. But I think it just makes me more of a fighter, and I'm just lucky I'm healthy as I am.
Edited 9 years ago