

An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.

— lokihasthephonebox Report User
Advancement these days smh 15 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
This could possibly keep the tissue beating but what about tissue degeneration? The person would sadly become brain dead after a while. Death is what follows life and we shouldn't be trying to cheat it.
And let them fight air ninjas outside!!! 7 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
The sad part is that when I read this I didn't even know what "shop" meant. I thought it was some business-related class until your comment explained it a little bit. Heck, at my school, driver's Ed, (I don't even know what it was called!) that home class where they taught you how to sew and etc; all of those aren't offered. There needs to be a Life 101 class that tell you how to actually do things instead of memorizing things for tests, then forgetting everyhing two seconds after you take said test.
Stay in the room 54 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Same here, metalman. I was 13 when the best dog I've ever had and probably will ever have just got too old..she couldn't walk anymore and it was her time. I wish I could go back and been with her but at the time, 13 year old me couldn't handle that. I had to leave and couldn't watch but I swear if I could have a do-over..I would have no hesitation in cuddling up next to her. She was the sweetest thing, nothing like her. Dang, I miss her.
I would too of I had that persons name 122 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Darth Lehcar
· Edited 9 years ago
I can confirm this is VERY accurate 26 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Random question- how hard is APUSH? I'll have it next year and don't want to take it if it's anything like AP World History, which I made the huge mistake of taking this year. I don't think any of the ap classes are as hard as ap world though except a couple.
My sister was giving me makeup tips in the hopes I'd wear makeup more often 7 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I know! The backwards tie gave a sense of humor and let us in that he didn't know what the heck he was doing but at least he tried, ahaha. Either that or Jimmy really needed to learn how to tie a tie right.
Name a song that continues to give you goosebumps every time you listen to it 146 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Welcome to the Show - Britt Nicole
I, myself, play the piano... You? 114 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
In 8th grade band I had some pretty mean triangle solos *puts on sunglasses*
And then there's the character who gets revived as a f*cking vampire 29 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
*taps microphone* I am convinced he's totally coming back, considering the way he left last episode, which was sassily = he doesn't wanna say something = he's not dead, this has been a public service announcement
My sister was giving me makeup tips in the hopes I'd wear makeup more often 7 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Only thing that would make him better is if they brought back the old coat/outfit #keepthecoat2016 ahhaa
gorgeous wings 0O0 25 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
*dean voice* this is why we stay away from the tumblr
gorgeous wings 0O0 25 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
This is Cas, not the Doctor haha.
This is how Europe looked like at midnight today 10 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Fireworks and other lights
· Edited 9 years ago
I believe in you! 19 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Yup yup here in Kentucky it was 75 degrees out on Christmas, and I've worn t shirts all week. And yet last year we had like three feet of snow in November.
I'm American and I don't even know this 17 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I love how you assume these things (like solo cups and comp notebooks) are just a general thing everyone uses but in actuality most or some people haven't even heard of them
Flintstones celebrating Christmas 15 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Christmas is a celebration of Jesus's birth. It's a Christian holiday and did not exsist prior to Christianity becoming a thing..
The story of how Jared stopped every train in Europe 5 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
This is why I love the cast of supernatural ahahah
Being Catholic and taking my gf for the first time. This is what she sent me 10 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Actually, the bible does condemn sex before marriage - 1 Corinthians 7:2
· Edited 9 years ago
Winter in Europe be like 16 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
None in Kentucky either and last year around this time we were off school for like a month because of like 3 feet of snow a night
This horse has beautiful hair 12 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
People: don't tell Rachel about this post she loves horses
Me, breaking into the room: *inner horse freak breaks loose* ITS CALLED A MANE NOT HAIRRRRR *eye twitches* *police sirens*
People: this is what happens when you tell her about horses
1 · Edited 9 years ago
How to make a Canadian 8 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I mean they film in Canada soooo..yes theyre *technichally* Canadian aha
2 · Edited 9 years ago
Women are f*cking metal 19 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I find it so weird that we're just like "oh it's just a waterfall of blood" and casually move on from it
the castle 36 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Never had one of these but I did have a thing called (legit) the playground and it was basically like the indoor playground at chuck e cheese but it was huge..I think it closed down when I was like 5, but I still remember loosing my second tooth there, not realizing I'd lost a tooth and crawling back through the slides and everything and finding my tooth ahaha..good times.
Become a legend 11 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
And he doesn't rule hell or control it like a bunch of people think. he's just trying to get as many people as he can to go there with him.
*steps outside* *freezes to death* okay I regret that 80 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Same here but I'll take a Sammy, Cas or Gabe as well.