An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.— lokihasthephonebox Report User
I hate school (\(^-^)/) 14 comments
· 9 years ago
I second that..the anxiety I go through because of school is much, much different than being bored. I see your point, though. I would much rather be sleeping right about now, but ya know.
This isn't fun, it's incredibly painful! 22 comments
· 9 years ago
This kinda ending would be kinda happy though, they'd be with everyone they love.. although I'm sure the boys would still manage to try and bust out.
It's perfect 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Oprah, calling from the distance: "this is what you get for hitting me with a car"
It's perfect 7 comments
· 9 years ago
With all of Dean's (and some of sam's) sarcasm I think we can find one
Sometimes the way out isn't what you'd expect. 10 comments
Would be more fun than any club 24 comments
This isn't fun, it's incredibly painful! 22 comments
Girls love memes 13 comments
· 9 years ago
It's fandoms and horses here. Funnel cakes, strawberries, white chocolate and French fries too.
Not your ordinary tacos 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I bet Dean Winchester would try those hehe
(I'm sorry I had to)
Edited 9 years ago
(I'm sorry I had to)
Ghost pun 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Why did Adele cross the road?
To say hello from the other side
Edited 9 years ago
To say hello from the other side
A tale as old as time 4 comments
· 9 years ago
When your cat hates you for no apparent reason
~ just girly things ~
~ just girly things ~
At least they didn't feel the bern. 45 comments
· 9 years ago
I got my source from various websites - search "Bernie sanders toltarian gun control" and many sites come up backing that claim.
At least they didn't feel the bern. 45 comments
· 9 years ago
Honestly, not really looking forward to the possibility of Bernie as president. He's said himself that he will impose "toltarian gun control laws" and confiscate guns. If that happens, I'm not giving mine up. Call me a nut but I'd like to be able to protect myself if need be, thank you very much. If you take away guns, how many criminals will really just say "oh well it's the law I better give them my pistol"? None! Then, we (as citizens with a right to bear arms) will have no means of protecting ourselves or our loved ones while people with bad, bad intentions will have access to firearms whilst we will not. How is this a good idea? A gun is an inanimate object and doesn't kill on its own; if used correctly with good intention, guns are fine and in no way a huge threat to society. It's the messed up psychos who use them for terrible purposes. Guns don't kill people- people kill people.
Spn takes over 12 comments
· 9 years ago
And you better not get someone cake and call it pie. Looking at you, Sammy.
Wild horses on a beach 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, in a movie I'd say so. But irl, horses lie on their sides all the time. It's perfectly normal, and pretty cute at that haha
Wild horses on a beach 13 comments
· 9 years ago
You obviously don't know anything about horses. When horses REM sleep (deep sleep), they lay on their sides as well as when they're very comfortable and calm in their environment. They're just resting; what made you believe lying on their side kills them?
I would love to eat most of these 84 comments
· 9 years ago
Once when I was in kindergarten, I forgot lunch money and ran out of money in my account. When I asked if they could give me a meal, they handed me a still-packaged slice of American cheese and a slice of bread. When my friend was in the same situation earlier this year, she was denied a lunch.
I would love to eat most of these 84 comments
· 9 years ago
American lunches don't get that much. I don't eat that "food", if it's even that. A usual meal is usually a variation of A) three cheesy breadsticks B) chicken patty with stale bread and burnt meat C) some type of meat that looks like fish but tastes slightly like chicken (we don't know what it is). With this, you get a (literal measurement, aka 8 ounces) cup of milk or water, then a couple small pieces of fruit which usually have some form of hair on them. Once we had something resembling lasagna and the name tag that usually lists what food it is just had a question mark. The mystery meat is a legit thing.
Groundhogs day > science? 18 comments
· 9 years ago
It's more of a fun tradition than one taken seriously. It's more of "oh ahha maybe the groundhog will predict if this eternal winter will end before like April" not "all hail groundhog, who predicts weather completly accurately" hahha
20 unusual but awesome date ideas 14 comments
Nope nope nope 89 comments
Nope nope nope 89 comments
· 9 years ago
Idk if you can beat a rainbow, Dean. If it's immune to beiber it's immune to anything
20 unusual but awesome date ideas 14 comments