

An account dedicated to everyone living the sloth life -- Netflix binging and fangirling.

— lokihasthephonebox Report User
Rare Albino Animals Look Beautiful 22 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I've always loved albino horses. Some look pretty darn cool, and they're gorgeous already wether they're albino or not.
This is why i don't make real world friends anymore 77 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I don't know what to do though- I don't want to cut ties, that would just break apart the rest of my friend group (the other two in my group really are good people, they don't do this) and I can't risk losing the two people I can confide in. And I hide my emotions a lot - another flaw of mine - and on the outside I'm smiling and laughing so I think my 'friend' thinks I'm all okay, and doesn't pick up how I'm really feeling. That's part my fault but still, I can't put her being a bad friend on myself. Ugh.
2 · Edited 9 years ago
This is why i don't make real world friends anymore 77 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Thanks to whoever posted this. I needed to know other people go through this too. At school my "friend" (who I think does consider me a friend but takes my friendship for granted) ignores me, makes fun of what I like or my actions, and just leaves me out. It's hard to tell yourself you're wanted when you're entire (full) lunch table ignores you and acts like you aren't even there. I just feel like she isn't my friend anymore and just shoots down everything I say or do. She leaves me when I wait for her, and just isn't being a very good friend. People always talk about having that one best friend who they can trust no matter what and lately I've realized I don't have that. I place too much trust in people (it's my flaw - I trust my friends too much when I guess they don't consider me as close as I do them.), just to have them turn on me. I That's happened in multiple friend groups. If y'all have any advice for this or want to talk, I'd love to hear it. It's been hard lately.
3 · Edited 9 years ago
This would be awesome 12 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
The only thing that could possibly be any better is that they would let you into any panel you wanted to go to. Like even the super big Hall H ones all for free..ah, a girl can dream. I've always wanted to go but it's so far away and I can't even afford regular conventions (like the spn Creation cons. Those things are *expensive* if you want to do everything)
A school lunch in Sweden 11 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
That looks incredible. Our school lunches here include small pieces of obviously fake meat (looks like fish, tastes like chicken, smells like beef and cat poo) and maybe a roll which I'm convinced is actual cardboard, if we're lucky. And a cup (like the literal 8oz measurement not a full glass or anything) of water or skim milk. Screw this "healthy" crap, and give us real food to eat. The air in the lunchroom smells putrid and kids purposefully skip eating lunch because they can't bring a lunch every day and refuse to eat school food. I know the staff of the school wouldn't dare eat cafeteria food. Just ask them- they get Chickfila catered in every day. I've been denied lunch (they're supposed to give you something no matter what) more than once, once in kindergarten, another time in elementary school and another time more recently. Schools just don't care anymore.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Amazing horse clip job 4 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I've always wanted to try something like this with my horse. Sadly I'm not the most experienced clipper though, haha.
I'd choose the TARDIS 48 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I'll take the door to a certain '67 Impala. Second choice is the Tardis, though.
Public service announcement 4 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
The actual resturaunts are gross and the cooking equipment looks like it's never cleaned. But they have such good food that we keep coming back..sigh.
Don't stop beelieving 6 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
It's Castiel in another life.
This is me 6 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
This is my horse's entire personality. He's like a toddler, he tries eat *everything*. And for some reason really likes my hair? #myhorseisaweirdo
The Fandoms 18 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Legit everyone in this show has died at least once. Dean? Don't even start. Sam? Yup. Bobby? *sobs* Cas? Yup. Charlie, Kevin, gabe, balthy? Yes. But who hasn't died yet? Of all people? ..Metatron and the guys from that dumb show Ghostfacers.
Travel Photos Get More Interesting When You Add Toy Dinosaurs 6 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
The ones that had the ocean with all the boats looked really cool to me with the dinos. Like a look at our ancient and modern world in a sense.
Unwritten laws of Guy Code 1 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Girl code: Bobby pins mark territory and travelling in groups, especially to the bathroom, is a must
Worst. Assembly. Ever 10 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
American public (in my middle school mainly, idk about y'all) school life: (at the start of school) stand up, say pledge of alliegence, school pledge, like 3 other things, listen to announcements, watch school news on the smartboard (aka the glorified projector screen) for like 5 min, finally sit back down.
Seriously like I'm Christian, but what do other Christians not understand about this 22 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Me too, I don't blame ya! They're in every church, sadly, but there's also lots of good people out there too :)
Seriously like I'm Christian, but what do other Christians not understand about this 22 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Yes, He did. He helped the people who were hurting the most and also the people who needed support when no one else would offer it. And I'm sorry, but how was I being self-righteous? All I did was say how we're supposed to help, not hurt.
· Edited 9 years ago
Using solar panels to power the world 21 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Just put them in some remote place or an uninhabitable place, like on mountains or other places where people can't live.
So they're trying grow dinosaurs now 15 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
Yup yup
Seriously like I'm Christian, but what do other Christians not understand about this 22 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
You're supposed to acknowledge that everyone (*including* ourselves) are sinners and do bad (not totally dismiss the bad), but we're supposed to *support* people through the bad times in their lives and *be there for them*. Not call out their flaws at their weakest moments.
4 · Edited 9 years ago
Seriously like I'm Christian, but what do other Christians not understand about this 22 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
That's what I try and tell people. Those people hating on every single thing other people do might not be the real "Christians" they say they are.
Taking shits 8 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
It's like the least gross of the poops.
Grade makes no sense 6 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
My math grade is an 80%. I just got 110% on a recent project. Didn't raise my grade a point.
That was deep 9 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
*puts on thinking cap* I think it's just a dream-like flashback/overview, then when that's done, you go on to your afterlife. Maybe you're already in heaven/hell while the flashback is 'playing' and then once it's done you kinda 'wake up' there?
So they're trying grow dinosaurs now 15 comments
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I had to read a thing about this in my bio class. Apparently it just altered the growth of a major bone in their legs to grow the full length of the leg (in chickens it stops halfway at what would be their equivalent of knees), which is what dinos' legs looked like. So apparently those chickens' legs are stronger now and that's bout it.