Every iOS user has a folder like this 8 comments
· 11 years ago
You know you can get rid of it now. The app doesn't appear on your screen but you can still search for it and use it. Just go on YouTube type in ios7 deleting apps and it should be like the first video.
Why doesn't it just disappear? 9 comments
What does brb mean? 1 comments
· 11 years ago
People are so stupid why can't they just say "brb means be right back." don't fuel the stupidity people by being stupid.
An engaging proposal 4 comments
Taylor Swift presents an award to Bruno Mars 25 comments
The 10 Most Mysterious Happenings 16 comments
A story of coffins 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Wait I don't understand why does he leave her under there can some one please explain?
Good old days 30 comments
· 11 years ago
I wish the US still had wonder balls! I mean how hard is it to put something around the toy so kids don't choke. Other countries figured it out why can't we!
Waiting for new episodes 11 comments
· 11 years ago
It's coming in November I think right around the time doctor who is coming back
Choo choo 3 comments
If life hands you lemons 12 comments
· 11 years ago
But there are so many great things of being flat chested.
1. Don't have to always where a bra
2. Can lay on your stomach.
3. Shirts look nice on you because they don't get all stretched out.
1. Don't have to always where a bra
2. Can lay on your stomach.
3. Shirts look nice on you because they don't get all stretched out.
Non-British British Person 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Some times I speak in a British accent by accident. I blame it on too much Doctor who and Sherlock.
Asian furniture compilation 2 comments