stranger danger 11 comments
· 9 years ago
most molestation done by someone known to the child, a family member or less often family friend
Not a problem for guys looking 44 comments
· 9 years ago
Wasn't really polite and some body shapes aren't ever going to fit right in off the rack clothing, but so horrible it was hidden? nah.
Cancer 3 comments
· 9 years ago
I live in South Carolina. "I love cocks" shirts, etc are everywhere - University of South Carolina mascot: the Gamecocks. Grew up near Los Angelos, and 1 year Uni Southern California was playing Uni South Carolina in football (USC vs USC). Sports writers had fun with Trojans vs Cocks quips.
Something to keep your chin up! 2 comments
· 9 years ago
The sea can break the ship apart ... maybe just enough for water to pour in and sink it or maybe into small pieces and the passengers and Sailors get thrown into a raging, violent storm.
Criminal Masterminds: Man escapes DUI charge by drinking more alcohol 2 comments
· 9 years ago
While I get the ol' "beat the cops" shit, he admits he was wasted and it'd be his 5th DUI (ignoring all the times he didn't get pulled over). Fuck him, > 10,000 people killed in US each year because of Drunk Driving. How about call a fucking cab dumbass? When's this shit not become a game? How many people gonna get carted off in body bags before you think, " maybe I shouldn't do this?" You wanna kill yourself, fine. Swallow the muzzle to a gun or cut along not across the veins. You want to kill someone else then fuck you.
Map of the world, 1581 7 comments
· 9 years ago
It's a map of the world. If you want accuracy, change your scale (and type of projection is a whole other topic).
Every nurses wet dream 29 comments
I found this on tumblr. The last comment speaks massively. Think before you accuse. 12 comments
· 10 years ago
The suspect was a black man, the person stopped was a black man, and, yes, the police officer also was a black man. I'll give Blow the benefit of the doubt in that he didn't realize this when his son talked to him about it, as opposed to purposefully hiding that fact because it didn't fit the narrative. However, as a journalist he should have known better than to have spout off without investigating the facts just a little bit. (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/n.y.-times-charles-blow-said-nothing-about-cop-who-arrested-his-son-being-black/article/2559374).