If you honestly came here expecting a different profile picture, I'd be thoroughly disappointed.
— LonelyFrenchFry Report User
Sometimes this doesn't make sense 33 comments
· 10 years ago
I think people are more likely to be self conscious about their weight than about their smoking so there's more of a chance you'd insult them by bringing up their weight...
My confession... not really that unnoticeable 17 comments
Best outcome to a wrong text 2 comments
Stealing a kiss... 15 comments
I laughed more than I should have 18 comments
Dream house or nope house? 32 comments
So I started school today... 3 comments
My take on high school reunions 2 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd just go to see how people ended up as adults. Just to see if I predicted things right and all.
Not sure if great teacher or horrible teacher. 23 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm guessing if they were reading during when the teacher was teaching. Teachers kinda hate that.
The struggle is , oh , so real 3 comments
A modern addams family 29 comments
Surprise motherf***** 12 comments
Fix this, netflix 12 comments
· 10 years ago
My Netflix has crap movies so I just use putlocker. Like at least they have movies and TV shows I want to watch. And who doesn't want free movies without needing to agree to anything?
Edited 10 years ago
Red Panda tearing apart its prey 9 comments
Apple and their technology 15 comments
· 10 years ago
This started happening with my Beats cord. I thought they lasted a long time -.-
Do people really laugh out loud...? 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I tend to laugh at people a lot, so I've learned to scoff over the years.
Just for you guys steaming in Summer 31 comments
This literally happened to me today 4 comments
· 10 years ago
My parents have actually forced me to hang out with friends because I didn't get out of the house enough.