If you honestly came here expecting a different profile picture, I'd be thoroughly disappointed.
— LonelyFrenchFry Report User
Using Nike+, the right way 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Love the hair.
Danm shame if you ask me 23 comments
This forest is filled with ghosts 15 comments
I think I would. 59 comments
· 10 years ago
Would it be first person or third person? I'd also want to see how they described people I met in the book
Something more important than school 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, school is meant to prepare us for life as hard as it might seem. Those worthless classes might not benefit you, but they could be the little nudge that gets someone interested in their future career. A degree. This picture does pose a valid point but a few of us might be learning something from school. If you don't think that the learning part in school is worth crap, then think about all of the experience you are getting with people. How to deal with them. Learning how they act. Peer pressure sucks but it might also push you to do things that might benefit you, like competing for the best grade, becoming more fit, learning what's what in fashion. It's all about the little things, I feel.
A human submarine 4 comments
· 10 years ago
We all lived in a human submarine,
Human submarine, human submarine...
Human submarine, human submarine...
Omg :D 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Omg 13 grades :O
And yeah like I have 1-12 but I've had a K-3 school, 4-8 school, and 9-12 school. You surely can't have one school that has room enough for first graders all the way up to uh thirteenth graders?
Highschool and college/uni are different schools therefore you're going to be a first year in both of them, hence the "fresh"
Edited 10 years ago
And yeah like I have 1-12 but I've had a K-3 school, 4-8 school, and 9-12 school. You surely can't have one school that has room enough for first graders all the way up to uh thirteenth graders?
Highschool and college/uni are different schools therefore you're going to be a first year in both of them, hence the "fresh"
Omg :D 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Haha it's a first-year student at a university, college, or high school. You've never heard the term?
Internet Explorer protest 4 comments
Pretty much 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Then there's me, who would probably cover the grass with melted chocolate and start eating it savagely.
Omg :D 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Funny story, I actually had a map for my first week as a freshman with all my classes highlighted so I didn't get lost.
The english language is great! 9 comments
This was every generation d*ck shits 3 comments
· 10 years ago
That is true, but I feel that there are also a lot of positive things about Generation Y. People seem to be overlooking all the good things and painting us all with the same brush...
After seeing all these kids celebrating their HS graduation on Facebook 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Not sure if this is true BUT I heard that high school is one of the hardest things you'll have to go through with the peer pressure and the homework and the transition from kid to adult. Kind of makes sense. Correct me if I'm wrong cause I honestly have no idea...
This is true for me 9 comments
[insert entitlement here] 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm a native English speaker and I STILL don't know what these words mean