Krystin Sal


Krystin Sal Report User
Anon on self-checkout 9 comments
loopandbind1 · 4 years ago
And then there's the third type of customer, the one that berates the cashiers that ARE there about how terrible self checkout is and how "they" are taking away jobs, as though the poor cashier making minimum wage has any input or control at all over it.
Unionize 46 comments
loopandbind1 · 4 years ago
But this isn't what we "essential workers" normally do. We don't normally have to wear masks and spend hours sanitizing and deal with 200x more people because everything else is closed and people are bored. We don't normally have to worry about getting sick and dying because a customer can't go to work with a fever so they decide to renovate their garden instead.
One more tweet in the US Army thread. 8 comments
loopandbind1 · 5 years ago
That's like saying "maybe if one gunshot wound is enough to kill you, the army isnt for you."
Each wound, physical or mental, is completely different. The same person who gets shot in the chest might live, but then later get shot much more minorly and not survive. The same person who survives something horrific without any issue might develop PTSD from just witnessing something else that's comparatively tame.
Hidden cause angry rant 24 comments
loopandbind1 · 5 years ago
Also, "junk" food is less likely to expire before you can eat it, especially if you have unreliable electricity or even no fridge or freezer at all.
Plus those times that you see people buying a bunch of sweet "junk"? Go ahead and rail at them about it. I'm sure it's not someone buying stuff for a kids birthday party or something. Because poor people aren't allowed to have birthdays.
Quiet melodic Crow 2 comments
loopandbind1 · 6 years ago
Okay, but truthfully, if a guy who thinks paying for something for you will make you date him and you let him pay (not knowing that is his motivation), things can get dangerous for the girl. So if it comes between potentially annoying someone or coming off as arrogant versus potentially letting a creep think he now has some claim on you....
I would never say it, truth or not, I would just say no, thank you. But you don't know whether the girl is arrogant or just afraid. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt.
Buddies 16 comments
loopandbind1 · 6 years ago
Except there was no lion.
Buddies 16 comments
loopandbind1 · 7 years ago
It shouldn't bother me so much that the lion isn't named Simba or something.
Like a mother would 12 comments
loopandbind1 · 7 years ago
(And people who are in accidents have people who fight for them, too- they aren't unplugging people for any was in other than there really isn't hope anymore, and that's awful but unrelated to those who, by accident or suicide attempt, CAN be saved.)
Like a mother would 12 comments
loopandbind1 · 7 years ago
No, please no. Most people don't commit suicide because their life sucks; they commit suicide because they believe that things that suck now will suck forever, and there's no hope. I'm glad you recovered partially, but you're still perpetuating the myth because you clearly still believe it.
Please don't believe it. Seek more than conversations about it if that's not helping. You are worth it, and worth other people fighting for your life when you can't fight because you have lost hope. Others will hope for you until you can.
Like a mother would 12 comments
loopandbind1 · 7 years ago
The vast majority of survivors of suicide attempts are extremely grateful to be alive. Suicide attempts are commonly caused by a disease that makes you miserable and lies to your brain until it believes that the misery is normal. It would be like if having the chicken pox made you believe peeling your skin off was the only way to not itch that badly forever. When the disease of depression is treated, or when the moment of the worst of it has passed, people who attempt suicide WANT to live. Even with scars, and the "dissapointed" looks (not usually true, btw- most people in the suicidal person's life are just as happy they survived as they are and now understand the severity of a problem with their loved one that until then they may not have thought to try and help with).
So please. Don't perpetuate the myth that people who attempt suicide are better off if they succeed. It's best if they get help before it comes to that, but if they can't, surviving the attempt can change everything.