

Louvren Report User
You go girl! 28 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Exactly. If you censor fat then shouldnt you censor skinny too? People can take offence by that too. Wouldnt it be better if we stopped seeing fat as a insult? "Fat" should just be a way to describe a person like tall, slim, short etc.
Getting piercings 3 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Imagine that guy going through airport security...
Will Smith has another kid, Trey 17 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Come on! They are probably looking in "the wrong direction" becauSE THERE'S MORE THAN ONE CAMERA!
Why? 18 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Or we'll end up regretting everything. But that's the thing, if you never jump you'll never know if you're gonna fall or fly.
Why? 18 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
'Cause there are consequences to everything.
Walking dead characters 25 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Om nom nom , jump ! 79 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
I agree, he might be an ass and have a huge ego but he's still a living person with people that love him.
Ask FunSubstance a Question 548 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
They already answered that, look further up.
I'll always love you pluto! 12 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Sure, they could have a reevaluation but the facts remain. As our Guest said, Pluto is mostly made out of ice and is very small compared to our other planets. They have even found a asteroid in the same area that is larger than Pluto called Eris.
Americans aren't always wrong 7 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Schhh, don't tell anyone..
You know someone's special when 13 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
It really bothers me that there are no capital letters.
Santa plans on seeing you when you're sleeping 18 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Dat title tho
Sleep tight <3 11 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Sleeping too much isn't very good though, it can cause just as many health issues as not sleeping enough.
Hong Kong 21 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Sorry, didn't read the post properly...
Stephen king on the matter of harry potter vs. Twilight 37 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
I think it's a bit unfair for everyone to look down on Twilight. It's not only about having a boyfriend, it's about fighting for what you love and sacrificing yourself for your loved ones. Yes, I have read both Harry Potter and Twilight and I think they are both pretty good books but sure, if you wanna hate on Twilight, go ahead.
Some habits should never die 48 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Guest: I would prefer getting burnt by the stove. Sure, it probably hurts more but then it would be my choice and I would learn from my mistake. Do you think that parents should hit their kids everytime they're about to make a mistake? Shouldn't the kid be able to choose for him/herself and then take the consequences?
Some habits should never die 48 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Physically hurting your children should NEVER be a part of their childhood. Sure, it MIGHT teach them to respect their elders but it might aswell teach them that hurting someone is okay. The kids might grow up to be afraid of their parents and other adults. I belive that if you can't teach your children respect without hurting them physically or mentally then you're not fit to be a parent.
If you think spanking is okay let me ask you something. Where do you draw the line between spanking and child abuse? When is it too much?
I would love this 83 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Panic! At the disco with cookies? I'm aint sayin' no to that!
A wild title appears! 14 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Starbucks, uggs and infinity tatoos etc are considered to be things that mostly white people do/like. Thats why it says "got my teeth whitened"
When 12 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
I can't believe you are having a serious discussion about this...