

— Louvren Report User
Karma 24 comments
louvren · 10 years ago
That's ridiculous, if I wanna get "big frikkin' holes" in my ears I should be able to without having to worry about people sticking stuff in them without my consent. It doesn't justify what her brother did or why you guys are defending him.
Can't stop watching this 49 comments
louvren · 10 years ago
Been wondering if your heart's still open
5 · Edited 10 years ago
Can't stop watching this 49 comments
louvren · 10 years ago
Ever thought of calling when you've had a few?
Can't stop watching this 49 comments
louvren · 10 years ago
Do I wanna know?
Karma 24 comments
louvren · 10 years ago
...that doesn't make any sense, as far as I know that isn't wrong. It's her ears, she can do what the hell she wants with them without getting comments like yours.
Hon hon hon 16 comments
louvren · 10 years ago
Because they probably don't know more French words?
Damnit 15 comments
louvren · 10 years ago
There was this one girl who ate sofa cushions. HOW DO YOU EVEN START DOING THAT? Is it like, dayum that cushion lookin goooood, wonder how it tastes...
Sims legit 2 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Dat title pun tho
why cant i have an imagination like this 22 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
This is a really nice idea 5 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Well that escalated quickly...
Shitstorm upcoming! 44 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
I can honestly say as a non-american that both Canadians and people from the US that I've met are equally polite. I mean, compared to northern europe where I come from you guys are practically saints.
Disney!! 66 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Maybe they meant gay as in happy (/^▽^)/
Magic 25 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
And here I sat thinking about a postcard.
Don't trust everything the internet says 21 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
I didn't even know this was a thing. How stupid could you get?
Best college tip 14 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Why the fuck were you downvoted for that comment?
Night Blogging 6 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Actually its more like their liquified body.
Girls should know there's a difference 26 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Wow, you guys really didn't like that comment, did you?
Josh is a bad influence for kids 5 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
I'm pretty sure the title was supposed to be sarcastic...
Here we see the 'bro' in its natural environment 3 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
I'm liking this for the title
Parenting at it's finest 10 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Yeah, the idea is good but it really annoys me that they're wasting food like that
· Edited 11 years ago
Dammit America, switch to the metric system already 40 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
But I do understand you, if someone was looking down on my country like (some) funsubbers do to the US, I'd also be defending my home.
Dammit America, switch to the metric system already 40 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
Seriously? There are about 300 million people living in the US who (I assume) mostly use the Fahrenheit scale. There are 7,1 billion people in the world. The majority of those people use Celsius. Not only is Celsius scale pretty easy to remember (0°C is when water freezes and 100°C is when it boils), I'm sure it would improve and simplify communication between both USA and the rest of the world.
And of course you have it hard wired into your brain since (again, I'm assuming) you were born into a country that uses Fahrenheit. You were taught how to use Fahrenheit in school and obviously it feels most natural for you to use it. The same way I have the Celsius scale hardwired into my brain. But if you guys switch to Celsius your next generation would have Celsius hardwired into their brains. Adaptation would probably be hardest for your elders but after a few years Celsius will feel just as natural to your youngers as Fahrenheit feels to you now.
Dammit America, switch to the metric system already 40 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
It's not about hating on the US, its just that it would be hella lot easier if the whole world used the same measurement scales.
You go girl! 28 comments
louvren · 11 years ago
It's not so easy for some, how about those who are fat because of a disease? Let me guess, they should just get healthy and then go work out.