Architects 7 comments
· 9 years ago
When I was in the CE program, I had a professor who would say that "architects design the building, we engineers are here to make sure the design works... which is a pain because more often than not, they are usually doing some weird design that we are left to deal with and see how to make it happen."
My friend is scarred from Fanfics and she won't stop telling me about them 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I hope, for the sake of my mind, that it didn't go where my mind thinks it went.
My friend is scarred from Fanfics and she won't stop telling me about them 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I meant more along the lines of: "what fandom is she talking about", But yeah, fanfiction can be... quite an adventure.
My friend is scarred from Fanfics and she won't stop telling me about them 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I get the feeling I need more background information to understand what's going on here.
The reveal 7 comments
· 9 years ago
After the exam when classmates are discussing their answers, and none of us wrote similar things.
he looks tom hiddle-stoned 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Same here for one of my classes. My friends start doing the homework by themselves, but because we are lazy and leave everything to last minute, they usually end up copying my stuff once they get frustrated enough and don't understand what the fuck is going on with the homework.
Mindblown 25 comments
· 9 years ago
A friend of mine was making some theory about it (can't remember how it went, it was a while ago), it said something regarding the speed of how fast we would travel, and the effects it would have in our bodies. But I'm after a while he started making some stuff up since he started sprouting some other nonsense that had nothing to do with time travel because he was kinda drunk at the time; so I'd take that really lightly, cuz I don't know when the alcohol started making some effect on him
Edited 9 years ago
All things are made of four elements 12 comments
· 9 years ago
teacher: "you can remember the intro of a show that ended up years ago but you are unable to remember what the heck we studied yesterday?!!!"
How to calm down. Just do it 21 comments
· 9 years ago
I tried it. Forgot I'm sick and I can't breath properly. My throat almost killed me.
Why you should read 50 Shades of Grey for a good laugh 21 comments
· 9 years ago
When you thought Twilight couldn't get any worse, you get this gem out of the mind of someone who never really read good erotica novels and decided to see how a Twilight parody could be without the 'werewolves/vampires' stuff going on.
Why you should read 50 Shades of Grey for a good laugh 21 comments
· 9 years ago
The more I see of this stuff online, the more I wonder how the fuck it got published, and how the fuck it has so many 'fans'.
I've read fanfiction that's better well written (?) than this shit.
I've read fanfiction that's better well written (?) than this shit.
Your superhero name 95 comments
All my single ladies, now put your hands UP! 19 comments
Maybe I went a bit too far 20 comments
· 9 years ago
By bottling them up because you are in public and are waiting for the commodity of your house to liberate them.
Traffic in the DFW 15 comments
Moms vs Dads 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm a woman, but I'll definitely behave like "papa" if I ever have children.
She ordered the "Mickey mouse pancake" 10 comments
Look at all the stuff I can make with balloons 13 comments