

— lucykate Report User
This world gets dumber every year 19 comments
lucykate · 8 years ago
Vaping is not a healthy alternative to smoking cigarettes. They are discovering it's just as bad. Also a lot of people who believe it's just water vapor have no problem using their vapes indoors which is incredibly rude. There's still nicotine and such in that "water vapor" you're blowing everywhere. Nobody's being attacked. In this day and age with everything we know about how bad smoking is for your body it really is surprising that people are so defensive in regards to their ability to smoke.
People are right about pits being fighters, we just teach them what to fight for with love 14 comments
lucykate · 8 years ago
A lot of places still discriminate. In fact there is a shelter in Ohio that is being protested against right now because they euthanize all bully breeds after a few days and refuse to adopt them out because the head of the shelter believes they are inherently vicious dogs. They determine a dog's breed by the shape of its head so any dog with a blocky head is considered a pitbull to them. Darke Animal Shelter is the place.
When my sharpei/pit mix was a baby (we're talking eight weeks old) I was at a pet supply store with her and another little dog was trying to get at her. The owner of this dog said to his dog, "stay away from that one, it will eat you." My dog was cowering between my feet...
And yeah there are pet hotels and day cares that will not take certain breeds because other people don't want them around their dogs. It's sad.
14 Most Messed Up Things People Have Done Playing The Sims 17 comments
lucykate · 8 years ago
Ok I'm literally digging out my desktop solely to play Sims 3 now...thank you for the ideas...I mean what?
oh. ok. 66 comments
lucykate · 8 years ago
oh no! Not their spelling and grammar!
DJ Dead Things 270 comments
lucykate · 8 years ago
DJ Water Getting in my Ears
Snoop's book reviews 5 comments
lucykate · 8 years ago
Trailer Park Boys for the win!
We opened the box to find this... 11 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
There is a fine difference between the two that only true candy lovers understand and appreciate lol
Sloths are just done with life 1 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
Glad I'm not the only one!
glad I live in texas 8 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
I wonder who had to collect this info haha
Every time I watch Property Brothers 3 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
Love It Or List It has the same thing happen every single time too haha
I'm totally doing my homework right now 3 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
This movie is highly underrated
Real art 6 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
Can't stop laughing at this
Cat ownership 5 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
Cats do not abide by the laws of physics, man.
Michigan is f*cked 19 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
There was a recent bill passed regarding animal cruelty and in that bill they hid this little thing that says it's illegal to have anal or oral sex with any living creature, which includes humans. Not those exact words but that's what it's saying. A lot of people think it's our state government's way of combating the legalization of gay marriage because people get all upset when everyone has equal rights.
Michigan is f*cked 19 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
Dude I'm from Grand Rapids too! High fives!!!!
jeb 25 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago is the best
Hats off to these guys 6 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
In general water filters don't do much or last very long, especially with the severity of contamination in Flint. Really the only long term solution is ripping out the old pipes and installing a whole new system. Unfortunately that would cost billions to do :( the one good thing coming out of this situation is that they are now going to be checking the pipe systems across our whole state, or so they say.
Wtf, Michigan? 18 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
Update: spoke with my friend last night, he said things are bad there but more so in the sense that the government is just taking control of everything. A lot of people already owned filters and what not. Flint just needs help, they've gone ignored for too long.
Wtf, Michigan? 18 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
Being from Michigan, and with my best friend living in Flint, I can tell you that Snyder is just all around a bad governor. Guys, he wanted to spend millions in tax payer money to build a bridge to Canada...we already have a bridge to Canada, and it's doing just swell.
There are so many children who are now affected for life by this lead-filled water. There are lawyers and politicians working to pay back the people for their water bills because it was unfit for human consumption. Although families have been getting shut off notices since they refuse to pay for tainted water. Local government are distributing special filters and bottled water. Apparently the state has a decent budget surplus from 2015, and there are people working on getting Snyder to use that money to help out Flint. But also Michael Moore is filing a lawsuit against Snyder, there have been protests at Snyder's home, people are calling for his resignation.
Legend says this video existed before youtube 18 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
This is early 2000s Ebaums World! So happy this still exists
it was i 4 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
This will never not be funny to me lol
This bowl of Marshmallows-Only Lucky Charms 27 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
well now I have to buy this
This bowl of Marshmallows-Only Lucky Charms 27 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
I saved this picture, does that mean I have a problem?
Such an inspiration for me 2 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago
This is me exactly
it's actually kind of sad when you think about it 11 comments
lucykate · 9 years ago