

Whats up guys, and gals!!!!!!! Lets do our best to have some laughs XD #typhlosionisthebest

— Luka362 Report User
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
so that's sweet and faithful not salty
Ladies & Men 59 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
same, I honestly think that we need things like this sometimes just because the human race is grossly overpopulated, but animal cruelty makes me sick
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
that's why I said no kidding
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
he's saying he loves garlog, because Jesus would love him nomatter what he did, and he's replicating his behavior in an attempt to follow the word of god
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
how is that savage
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
no kidding
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
because I have faith, and your anology works in my favor, you can't see the wind, but you know it's there, because you can feel it, it pushes you, it affects things, it makes things different from the way they were before, especially if it's strong, you can't see air either, or wifi, or radio waves, or anything like that, but they're there and you know they are
Ladies & Men 59 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
Hydration man! 9 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
I think I did the alchohol drinking when I wrote that sentence
Hydration man! 9 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
Do the drinknig, or you die
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
no I'm not saying your obligated to believe in everything about every religion depending on the, I'm saying to openly disrespect it in front of people who believe in it. And like I said before, even if you don't believe in it you should still be respectful to the beliefs of others, as long as its not threatening the world, or hurting people, or something like that.
My friend, don't be sad 48 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
random_kitty is just a MOW kitty
My friend, don't be sad 48 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
I was MOW infected with kitty diseas MEOW, I would like to make MOW dog noises but that's not a MEOW diseas
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
If you can't respect the christian word or, the bible, even in the presence of christians, then I don't even now what to say to you, thats just not okay, I mean if I went around being rude, hating on, dissing, and not believing in some of the most important parts of it, you'd feel offended too, and if you say you wouldn't then that's a lie
Ladies & Men 59 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
was that actually on there?
Dammit stephanie 3 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
I thought it said I will sit on your crotch for a minute
Ladies & Men 59 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
obese woman sits on and kills husband "my booty be deadly!"
My friend, don't be sad 48 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
My friend, don't be sad 48 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
wait what, no, No, NO, random_kitty has infected me with the kitty virus, MEOW
1 · Edited 8 years ago
My friend, don't be sad 48 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
no your not, MEOW
Real talk, this is the Bible. 64 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
you at least have to be respect it in front of the people who believe in it, if you aren't then, well you just, aren't a good person in the slightest
What about us? 9 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
thank you other guest
So are you starving now? 29 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
is okay, I no judge
rawr :3 60 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
yep, lets see how will I gain it tomorrow
My friend, don't be sad 48 comments
luka362 · 8 years ago
okay I was never apposed to frisky coming along