Animals who want to be photographers 4 comments
· 8 years ago
The penguin has a look of "What the actual fuck how is it still overexposed."
Old trampoline cleverness 1 comments
Dont we all 2 comments
Real meaning 38 comments
· 8 years ago
I cannot like this enough times. People need to stop. Triggers are for veterans, victims, and all the people who have suffered and struggled in legitimate ways no entitled little bitch on Tumblr could even begin to empathize with.
Edited 8 years ago
cant believe he fits 12 comments
Glub glub b!tches 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Though usually found as adults, the Shinigami can occasionally be seen in its juvenile state as larvae, before it has undergone the full metamorphosis stage. Only after it has matured can it go out into the world and fuck with high school students.
Edited 8 years ago
Someone tell me if this is real 16 comments
· 9 years ago
While this is all true, a great deal of the witch hysteria in Salem, a great deal of it was an extreme case of twelve year olds being bratty and jealous and hating each other for stupid reasons. They took advantage of the fact that both sections of Salem (Salem village and Salem town) and the aspects of life were controlled by religion and superstition. Pastor Parris, who was the Puritan Pastor at the time, listened to the group of girls claiming they were bewitched and brought the accused to court. The girls would then roll about and shriek and pretend they were possessed by the "witch"; a great deal of those they accused were other girls, slaves, or anyone that appeared troublesome. The leader of this group was named Ann Putnam, who, literally, was twelve.
The most expensive pocket watch in the world made for Marie Antoinette 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Said all of France, rage and desperation burning bright in their hungry eyes. They starved and scrounged, working their hands to the bone to make in a year what the young queen would spend in a day.
"Guillotine time motherfucker."
"Guillotine time motherfucker."
This is why I hate my curly hair 6 comments
Santorini,our beautiful island here in Greece 17 comments
We've hit croc bottom 14 comments
· 9 years ago
"For just 2 easy payments of $19.99, you can protect your child's virginity for years to come!"
Edited 9 years ago
As a muslim in france this morning 35 comments
· 10 years ago
Here's a Wikipedia article that kinda gives an overview of it all. It's absolutely awful what happened... (I'm sure if you turn on any need station you can get the latest news about it all. It's all that's been being covered over the past few days, and for good reason too.)
Here's a Wikipedia article that kinda gives an overview of it all. It's absolutely awful what happened... (I'm sure if you turn on any need station you can get the latest news about it all. It's all that's been being covered over the past few days, and for good reason too.)
The future is here 9 comments
The most creative halloween costumes 8 comments