Could work. 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I imagine they meant odd as in weird or unusual, not the numerical sense
When you forget which world war you're fighting in 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Silvermyth is right, I think, it's not the right flag. The German Empire refers to a period of time after the German Unification, which included Prussia. The German Empire collapsed in 1918, alongside the end of WWI, so it would be accurate for the game to use it. However, the flag here is depicting the Prussian Eagle in front of an iron cross. While both of these symbols were used a helluva lot, the flag itself is a simple tricolor of black, white, and red.
Full shot of a tower 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I scrolled really slowly because I was convinced there was going to be a spider or something at the end of the post, but this was much better
The man, the legend 3 comments
Response from mom 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Or you can just carry the numbers over like anyone else who's ever learned basic subtraction.
Woman Attacked for Running the Boston Marathon in 1967 Ran It Again, 50 Years Later 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh, she came and talked at my school, she was so funny and sweet and inspirational.
Cute critter says hi 2 comments
· 8 years ago
It kinda looks like there's a hole in its head because of the color of its fur and the color of the grass
gemma pell gemma pell, et toi? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
That's correct. The m is there because the phrase would technically be je me appelle, which directly translates to "I call myself." However, the French like their language to be fluid and pretty, so they drop that extra vowel syllable and just run together the two words, resulting in je m'appelle.
Thought you people should know this 18 comments
· 8 years ago
The deer one is kinda surprising. I have a ton of deer where I live and even the males are pretty skittish, but I can imagine people get hurt during hunting season and such if they get too close.
What volcanoes actually are 4 comments
The hypocrisy of SJWs 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Oof. I don't even have dreads, but my hair is super curly. I wear it in ways that some consider to be "ethnic" at times and I've been yelled at more than once for doing so. (I go to school in the Northeast right next to an art school though, so no surprise there.) Pls tho. I just don't want it in my face.
Nature is so cruel 15 comments
· 8 years ago
This is actually from a podcast (as I'm sure you can see) called Welcome to Night Vale that's absolutely spectacular, albeit completely bizarre and subtly horrifying at times. Really cool podcast though, if you can handle some weirdness. And gay weirdness.