

lunarcoeurmels Report User
An aerial view of puzzle piece park 2 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
No! This is horrible! It means there is some giant puzzle out there somewhere with ONE. PIECE. MISSING!!!
I feel bad for all the American people 27 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Now living in the US after growing up in England and this is one of the millions of things I miss about Christmas at home. More than that I hate knowing my children won't miss it like I do.
natural selection 2 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
This pick up line will always work on me!
Never been wrong 12 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Well, we will only know that for sure if we put her on a scale with a duck.
When you're retarded 10 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Actually no, I agree with you I don't think disabled is better. In fact I really don't think one word can classify literally hundreds of different types of mental/physical anomalies. I was just pointing out that retarded is the worst word choice; because unlike even disabled, it does not recognize that there is any ability to live a fulfilling life. I'm on your side and I wish that this could be a conversation that was publicly addressed more often.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
This spider uses its webbing to create a net than drops down on the prey 4 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Why don't any animals have green fur, despite it being such a good camouflage 3 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Is watching time lapse drawing is really relaxing to anyone else?
Well shit 17 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
They're freaking TIM TAMS! Who cares what is actually in them, they're amazing.
When you're retarded 10 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
No Retarded is an outdated word that an entire version of the DSM decided to get rid of because it is offensive and lacks any substantial meaning.
Antarctic scenic tour stop 2 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
"And here is where they filmed that one scene in Happy Feet where Mumbell gets left behind."
Better hacks 8 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
I am a poor college student but if they only do number 3 that's good enough for me.
This is 100% true 61 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
I live in America and it's so hard to find Tim-tams. Then when I did find them I made everyone in my family try the Tim-Tam slam, and they hated them! This is also how I found out I was adopted. They still haven't confirmed this but I know it to be true.
Poor timmy 8 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
You two deserve medals for your comment contributions
Emperors New Groove 8 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
AKA: The feeling you get when its 1am and you have a 10pg reseaech paper due at 9am, that you havent started yet.
I Am Going To Cry So Much 14 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Anybody else love how fibi has to be the other way? It kinda looks like she is claiming Chandler.
I don't understand why this was never taught (in England) 15 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
This is totally how Matilda did it.
Come on guys, respect the interests of other people 18 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
You. Me. We are friends now, you have no choice.
Kids today 5 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
I just want to know if on set the little girl went up to her parents like "What is a dildo?" I wonder what her parents told her?
Not illegal in space 14 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
If you get high in space do you feel like gravity is back?
6 · Edited 9 years ago
Come on guys, respect the interests of other people 18 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
And now Richard and James have gone too! And it's all over! I am a girl and that was the only socially acceptable way for me to obsess over cars, while still being able to be "girly" at times. What am I to do?
When a show says "previously on..." 4 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
But I kinda like the previously on; because then I yell at it saying all of the important things it left out. "THEY WERE ON A BREAK THEY DIDN'T JUST BREAK UP!".........the answer to your question is yes, yes I am watching friends right now.
Extreme close ups 8 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Why is it that everything close up like this looks like it belongs in a Dr.Seuss book?
Led cathedral 6 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
It's like Las Vegas but for church.
True 3 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Not my class but the one right next to us watched this video and my class was bored so our teacher just got up and said "LET US TAKE A FIELD TRIP! QUICKLY ACROSS THE HALL!" and then ran into the other room. It was a great day.
Mum and Dad 17 comments
lunarcoeurmels · 9 years ago
Um, I'm sorry this website is called FUNsbustance not MORBID HORRIFYING CHILDRENsubstance