It's A Flawless System 3 comments
· 8 years ago
so true. so real. Lol
I feel sad for Americans 12 comments
Like a boss! 13 comments
Tomorrow's the season finale 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh goodness! Well you sure do have a positive attitude! Always good to see hope in people :)
Tomorrow's the season finale 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Very true, but people don't ever remember all that ratification business so 1776 is the year most referred to.
Tomorrow's the season finale 16 comments
· 8 years ago
I live in the "Bible belt" of west Michigan so there are a lot of conservative people and a lot of mostly conservative towns. I was very clear with the clerk that I intentionally did not put any candidate or party affiliation/name on the shirt because I'm going to follow the law when it comes to voting rights and such. And while the shirt is meant to express my disgust with this election, it's also meant to be funny. Chill pills all around haha
Tomorrow's the season finale 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Update: I live in a rather conservative area and almost did not get to vote because they didn't like my shirt. Thankfully we got the city clerk involved and she found absolutely no problem with the shirt and they gave me a ballot finally. Legally the shirt does not violate any laws regarding polling locations.
If you smoke in the car around kids you're a POS 37 comments
Found a good vegetarian! 19 comments
· 8 years ago
To be honest most vegetarians are like this. Not everyone boasts about it. This stereotype of the obnoxious vegan/vegetarian is getting old.
What They're Really All About 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Some of us just work our asses off and save up money specifically for a festival so by the time tickets come out we can afford it. There are definitely some people like you're describing out there though.
I was never afraud of clowns... now I am 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Always been terrified of clowns. I knew this day would happen, warned everyone but did they listen? Nooooo and now look where we are.
Disney animals and their human forms 4 comments
Tell me you can't hear this 32 comments
· 8 years ago
Ohmmygosh I went to a wedding where the priest was basically this guy. He said mawwiage and everything. It was ridiculous.
The tester kid 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, if anything I had more strict rules as the youngest because my older sisters messed up :/
Don't disturb 7 comments
Puberty, You Are Hilarious But That's Enough 7 comments
Puberty, You Are Hilarious But That's Enough 7 comments