It's not even make sense 18 comments
· 8 years ago
okay well thats modern but still appropriate.
The best beauty blender meme answer 23 comments
· 8 years ago
nah her comment was meant to be offensive and his remark is justified. Hetero men cant know about make up? Do they live in caves? Must never have moms, sisters, girlfriends or wise. Heads up: not all men run screaming from the room when a woman does something feminine.
Love it when he does that 3 comments
The rock (1.96 m) looks pretty small compared with basketball player Sun Ming Ming (2.36m) 9 comments
· 8 years ago
what the fuck kind of measurements are those? (im American so blissfully ignorant and slightly idiotic when it comes to maths)
We get it you vape 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Dont worry about the kid, not like nicotine is linked to numerous diseases. rock on!
My mom's gonna kill me 9 comments
· 8 years ago
or she should be dissapointed in herself that she didnt teach you the most basic lesson.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
· 8 years ago
hate the idea of abortion but have to say im prochoice. im a social worker working with kids in the foster care system and have seen first hand the effect on the kid of having a child you cant afford or dont want. Always promote adoption but i respect and support the bioparents right to choose.
Pro pocket 10 comments
Well, f*ck 8 comments
· 8 years ago
you deserve it. why wouls you be pouring milk so close to your laptop? if you did it at the kitchen counter this wouldnt have happened.
Trump somehow got Michigan 71 comments
A Legend's Final Farewell 11 comments
That poor woman 7 comments
· 8 years ago
3 kids here, 4, 2 and 1mo, while a senior in college (im 28, married 6 yrs). i can attest to the necessity of high levels of caffine.
Extreme feels alert 60 comments
· 8 years ago
ohmygod seriously its too late for this shit to be tugging at my heart strings. NO MORE.
He was then taken to a shelter 14 comments
· 8 years ago
its not always that easy. people get laid off, unexpected expenses come upn divorce happens. especially by the time a dog is older its not always the puppy flipping that young adults tend to do but the reasons are a bit more legitimate. i agree, shelters try and recoup fees but reliquinshing a dog the proper way can be upwards of $100. whn you dont know how youre going to pay your housing or your groceries thats not doable. plus, moving to a place that allows dominant breed dogs may just be an expense they cant afford. granted this looks like an entirely different situation but i try to not jump to a conclusion.
I feel like this needs being said. I didn't even realize it wasn't normal, either 39 comments
· 8 years ago
my poor husband always feels bad too. its just such a natural reaction after growing up, ive been gone 10 years and i still flinch easily. its second nature.
This is why we need law 19 comments