I abandoned Funsubstance because of the content and users. I will not reply to anything. And here's something to learn; Nothing is natural. No excuses.
— Gone forever Report User
My kind of guy 5 comments
· 11 years ago
…Does anybody have an answer!? Not a question…http://funsubstance.com/fun/108595/buying-food/?last_comment=407697 (My comment that explains it is on here) But could you please help if you know how to delete accounts? Thanks.
My kind of guy 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Guys I really want my account deleted because I'm leaving this website, but I don't know how. I've tried account settings and everything. I don't want to just leave it here, but I don't know what else to do.
Burnt Arm 16 comments
· 11 years ago
._. Some people in our Community don't like me. Still don't know how to delete this
That's so wrong 22 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm sorry but the hilarious part of it fails to comply with me. I'm not sure why I should apologize for stating my opinion anyway. I like the other content on Funsubstance…
Buying food... 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry… The content has moved towards innuendo and the like more frequently. It's partly the reason I don't go on Tumblr, it makes me uncomfortable. Actually, it's mostly the reason. People don't like it when I say things like "that's gross," so there isn't much to do about that. And of course, this is my fault really. "It's not you, it's me." kind of situation. So do you know how to delete them? I could just abandon it I guess, but I prefer a data wipe. This site is hilarious, it's just I'm scared to scroll through it with my parents walking through my room, which says something. So I've decided I'd prefer not to go on it. I also have an issue with feeling guilty unnecessarily, like when I stop scrolling and stare at a clean picture when my Mom looks over my shoulder. It feels like I've told a lie. So there's why leaving, so I'm going to stay on some other websites until I'm older I guess. So yeah, that's it. Can anybody help with the deletion?
Edited 11 years ago
A lesson learned in hospital 10 comments
Buying food... 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Tasty and healthy for me. Also, can you guys please tell me if you know how to delete Funsubstance accounts? I'm thinking of deleting mine.
Burnt Arm 16 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm sorry if this doesn't apply to the picture, but I was wondering if any of you know how to delete your account on Funsubstance? Thanks. I'm thinking of doing that but it's not in account settings.
The character triangle 56 comments
· 11 years ago
I am intelligent and good-looking. I find myself in irrational emotional states now and again. This post is pretty accurate.
Edited 11 years ago
Tea 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Thanks, that's good advice. I'll try to stick up for myself more in the future.
Every flipin time 90 comments
· 11 years ago
A lot of the posts on Funsubstance recently have been kind of inappropriate. I don't like those kind of posts because they make me uncomfortable.
W a i t i n g . . .
Edited 11 years ago
W a i t i n g . . .
Why do you m*sturbate 13 comments
That's so wrong 22 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm not sure why this got down voted, but it may be because everyone already said this was disgusting. Sorry for the excessive comment. In case any of you are wondering, I always try to apologize for my comments that offend people. Even just one person.
How often do you m*sturbate? 8 comments
· 11 years ago
I'll keep my opinions to myself, you keep your personal business to yourself.
Wedding hair perfection 15 comments
Tea 18 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't like internet fights so I'd rather just relinquish my opinion than have it start anything. I also don't like deleting comments because it drives me crazy not knowing what they said. Also, if you like stereotypes, I'm Canadian.
Tea 18 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't mean to be offensive, Sorry. I take it back. Have whatever username you want. I liked your post.
How often do you m*sturbate? 8 comments
Hahah yes 71 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry if I offended someone… I just didn't know his middle name was Drew. (The comment said Justin "Drew" Bieber? In case you were wondering)
How I feel about you right now... 43 comments