

Quack Quack

— thisissailor Report User
This haircut has gone too far 7 comments
macdadddy45 · 6 years ago
Wow nice punching bag
The Japanese were undoubtedly the best artists 5 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
It took them 2 bombs until they got it right.
I love the internet 23 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
Yeah she got some dents here and there but no one notices it
I'd sing along 9 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
Robber: I get knocked down;
Me: But I get up again...
Society doesn't say that 23 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
So friend of mine, back in freshman year got me into metal. It was somewhat of a funny story when we met, during class he had his headphones on blast, I'm like tapping his shoulders and I tell him "Hey man, your gonna go deaf". He pause his CD player, takes his headphones off (I'm thinking to myself ahhh fuck, i don't wanna start shit over some little thing, I'm a chill dude btw) then he goes and put the headphones on me and play the track....
Mother Fucking
I'm like what the fuck is this shit!!!???
My mind was blown away, I mean I liked RHCP but that was on some other shit and during the time I was really into Hip-Hop. So he's like "so what ya think" that was dope. We soon became friends and kept burning me Albums, from Metallica, Gwar, Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse, Pantera and so on.
Music is such a powerful thing it can bring two totally different strangers and create a wonderful thing.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Caught taking a selfie 1 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
Also having friends doing, like wtf are you doing
For those that don't know, there is more to this story 15 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
Remember moon moon? 3 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
He is right, isn't it? 9 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
The Blind Nigga Samurai - The Boondocks
Green fire sh 10 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
Untz untz untz untz untz
World's first fully-manned hoverbike 17 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
R.I.P. Knees
Either way it solve my financial problems... 21 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
Doggo does a derp 8 comments
macdadddy45 · 7 years ago
That darn moonmoon
George RR Martin: Game of Thrones characters die because 'it has to be done' 9 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
There is only one god, and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today'. Syrio Forel
What is bender doing there? 6 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
I'm rethinking life
Restart the song 6 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
All the time
Important discovery of a crunch bar 7 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
I'm more interested in the D.A.R.E. ruler
I'd choose the TARDIS 48 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
.....And you're dead
This is why we can't have nice things 12 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
Taco Punch
Real Conor quote 16 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
Reality bro.
But can it wash out bloodstains 4 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
Treat ya self
Tumblr balloons 5 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
I need this
· Edited 8 years ago
Heroes with a side of hero 4 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
Ppl taking CoD kill streaks too seriously
53 million dollars 8 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
Nah ppl want it in theirs hands so I guess it would sell more on Vinyls & CD's
53 million dollars 8 comments
macdadddy45 · 8 years ago
Seriously, he can make that money back in 6 days if he tours