I'm a woman and I agree. 28 comments
· 10 years ago
I think body image issue can be the same for both sides but historically men have far more opportunities than women regardless of looks, whereas women often have to be attractive in order to be considered for a position.
*flop flop* *bounce bounce* *boink boink* 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I remember as a kid my friend who's a guy and I used to do this thing where we would jump and then land stomach down until I reached puberty and I couldn't figure out why it started hurting so much.
Can't have just one balloon, right? 9 comments
· 10 years ago
At first I thought it was a comic like the one where the girl asked the dad to look in the closet for monsters and then finds his daughter in the closet saying there's something in her bed.
Extreme Wheeling 7 comments
X-Ray of 800 pound man 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Although I agree someone like this saying that they're just big boned obviously isn't true, Some people do have bigger structures.
Scarlett Johansson's amazing eyes 8 comments
Something that dries up when it gets old 18 comments
No doubt about it 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I only wish it wasn't so acceptable to assume that all white females are like this. I realize racial minorities probably have to deal with worse racism than I do, but making fun of an entire race/sex is still no ok. If it was holding fried chicken and said congrats it's a black boy, everyone would lose their minds.
Edited 10 years ago
Air Snape makes a sassy comeback 5 comments
· 10 years ago
When going through security you don't have to take your shoes off if you're under 12. I started taking mine off and the TSA agent asked if I was over 12, I'm 19 -__-
No doubt about it 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Please stop with the white girl jokes they're overdone and racist. Racism toward white people is still racism.
I lost my iPod 7 comments
· 10 years ago
that's like when I called my mom to see if she knew where my phone is. Or when I used my keys to get into the house because I forgot my keys.
When I have math homework 6 comments
Two types of people 9 comments
· 10 years ago
What if I needed to get something out of my eye, or make sure I didn't have stuff on my face?
The power of Eugene 14 comments
A percheron horse 11 comments
Shadows should NEVER be trusted! 7 comments
Tipping is such an interesting topic 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Servers depend on tips for their salary. They are paid significantly less than those in the kitchen