I have a cat. Want a dog. How do I make this relationship happen? 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Proper training and a calm environment when they meet. Try keeping them separate at first then start feeding them on opposite sides of a closed door they will associate each others smell with food and happy things. Also trading toys and bedding will help them get used to the smell of the other.
That's What I Thought 2 comments
I'd cry if a teacher said any of these to me 20 comments
· 10 years ago
I've been bullied by teachers my whole life because of my ADD. One teacher strait up called me a retard.
The stuff you see on facebook 3 comments
Mosquito bite fun 19 comments
Sorry, just felt like it had to be said. 159 comments
· 10 years ago
Well I can relate to both because I was born in 95 so I still had a lot of childhood to go through when 2000 came around but I was old enough to remember the 90s. So I guess I'm some awkward half way point.
Silly Spider Couldn't Find A Way To Hide Himself 13 comments
Let me tell you about Bus 62 7 comments
Emma watson wants men to know that feminism does not mean man-hating! 6 comments
· 10 years ago
That's not being a feminist. Like Emma said, feminists simply want equality. The women that call men pigs are no better than the men who call women sluts.
Beauty goes both ways 27 comments
· 10 years ago
As a somewhat chubby girl I completely agree. The same hate that makes me wish I was skinnier is the same hate that makes skinny girls feel bad. Why would I want someone else to experience the hate I already have?
Birthcontrol pills should be for men 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I took the pill because my period was so bad it would make me pass out, I had to go the hospital several times. Then the pill started making me sick so now I'm on the shot. DO NOT GET THE SHOT! It stays in your system for three months while reeking havoc on your hormones. Basically what it does is it lowers your estrogen levels while giving you symptoms of a boy in puberty. You get body oder, break outs, gain weight, and unwanted body hair. Sorry for the rant but I think people should know. I'm still waiting for it to get out of my system so I can just go back to normal and it sucks. Always be careful when messing around with birth control!
My response from now on 7 comments
Sky 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I thought it was gonna be like that one where there's dogs humping at the bottom
The happiest snake 7 comments