Organic tomatoes in Siberia 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Okay, coming from a biochemistry major, it drives me nutso when people claim a fruit or vegetable is organic. ITS ALL ORGANIC. Everyone is using that word wrong wrong wrong - they're using organic synonymously with how its grown, which is not the same.
Since the beginning of religion 19 comments
· 9 years ago
" In their recently published book, "Encyclopedia of Wars," authors Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod document the history of recorded warfare, and from their list of 1763 wars only 123 have been classified to involve a religious cause, accounting for less than 7 percent of all wars and less than 2 percent of all people killed in warfare."
Separation of Church and State 26 comments
· 9 years ago
The original intent of the separation of church and state was actually to protect the states/people from having to pay taxes to the head church, which is something the early settlers were trying to flee from in England.
José mujica 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Deviledapple, I agree to an extent. In some countries, abortion is used as a form of birth control. I don't have a statistic for this claim, but my cousin living in turkey has known some woman who have had upwards to 16 abortions.
However, according to the Guttmacher Institute, 21% of all US pregnancies end in abortion. If you look at the statistics for nationwide rape that results in unwanted pregnancy, it's about 5%.
However, according to the Guttmacher Institute, 21% of all US pregnancies end in abortion. If you look at the statistics for nationwide rape that results in unwanted pregnancy, it's about 5%.
Awesome hair. I want it 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Here's the unedited version of the pic. Both look cool, though.
There Are Different Types Of Fans 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Theres nothing wrong with loving a subject because of a TV show... Theres many ways to be introduced to psychology, but why not criminal minds? It's a great show
You can't handle the truth! 7 comments
· 9 years ago
No, she was not supposed to be discussing the information in the first place with the people she was talking with. In addition, she was using a personal email to discuss the information. And to top it off, did not release the emails when asked, had to be forced by a judge, and then altered/deleted what they said.
You can't handle the truth! 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Hillary Clinton deleted personal emails that contained classified information
Dog logic at its best 16 comments
· 9 years ago
I know plenty of dogs that live happily outside. Granted, they live on farms, so most dogs here do live outside. As long as the dog is well taken care of and its needs are met, why would living outside make a dog in "poor" condition?
You know, for when shits hit the fan 36 comments
Down syndrome cats 13 comments
Two students have developed a bathroom door handle that can knock out germs on contact 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Good, yes... But what about the good bacteria on your hands? I fear a lack of exposure to bacteria will overall weaken the immune system...
Lose Yourself (Eminem) made with sign language.. 14 comments
· 9 years ago
To answer your question on a psychological basis; the area in the brain (Wernicke's/left hemisphere) that processes language for a hearing person is the same for a deaf person. Now from an ASL interpreter standpoint; deaf usually read lips along with watching signs, which helps them to actually be able to speak. Despite this amazing gift, the English language (or any language) is still different from sign language. Words lose their meaning when translated, and if you've ever texted a deaf person, its harder to understand because their sentence structures are very different from spoken languages, mainly because we may have a million ways to say one word, but there is only one sign for that word. I hope this has clarified for you a little into the language!
Pro-choice 153 comments
· 9 years ago
I agree it's a woman's right to choose what happens to her body.. But what about the life inside of her? It doesn't get a choice in the situation.. Talk about bodily autonomy only for the woman; do you think a child would choose to die?
I can't be the only one 8 comments
This guy is a f*cking legend 7 comments
· 10 years ago
It's not like he meant to forget; accidents happen. If I were in that position I'd probably do the same thing.
What is this? A baby for ants? 11 comments
· 10 years ago
That is the representation of a zygote (the first stages of a baby before embryo and fetus)
Bottom panel has been me lately. I'm obsessed. 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Nope. There's a "classic controller" that hooks up to the wii remote that is white.
Also, by working with horses, many farm animals do eat inorganic material (salt blocks, for example), but I don't see how discussing a cows diet correlates to a fruit/vegetable being called organic?