

— marked_nephilim101 Report User
Who else is hyped for suicide squad? (All trailers) 21 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Apparently Harley Quinn is nothing like she should be, but I was kind of expecting that because of her attire
Wtf Australia? 8 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Its an amazing icecream ... the name could use work
Epic dress made from pages of a book 44 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
shadowhunter and warlock, like Tessa Gray, but thank you
Epic dress made from pages of a book 44 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
You ripped up a BOOK!!!!!?? Unless it's Twilight or 50 shades, then k
'Current' events 2 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Loud, Crazy, Shootings and Packing Some Serious Heat 23 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
I picture you as cold (the weather) and idiotic .... not all american's, but the majority
Schoolboys wearing skirts on hot days 19 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
33 degrees? Pff! amateurs - Western Australians
BLM 48 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
I agree with this...
Yes, there will always be militants and extremists in every group, for example, guilt tripping vegans (even though most vegans I know are big sweet hearts who support my decision to eat meat 'cause it's amazing), femin'nazis' and biggoted Christians. But in reality, there is only a small minority of people who do this. So quit blaming the entire movement for something 2% of people did and or believe, and love the theory and dream.
And as a white, why are only white people complaining about this??
Love triangles are f*cking lame. 21 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
The ONLY love triangle i have enjoyed is wessa/jessa, and I am a firm hater or love triangles
On point right here 12 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Also depends on what type of Christian's, for instance, I'm a Catholic and go to a strict Catholic school and in Religious Education we are taught to be proud of our sexuality and as long as we love God and do what is right, it doesn't matter who we end up loving.
Its quite dumb 26 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
In some places people don't even earn the minimum wage by the people who hire them, so yeah, we need to tip them
Firefly 6 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Wash!!!! THE FEELS!!!
Somebody stop me! 14 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
The first Jim Carrey movie I saw
Politics 18 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
True, our internet sucks
I love this comedian 36 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
He's was a great comedian there, but he jokes about rape and that kind of just lost me
Happens to me all the time! 9 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
all day yesterday
thoughts? 46 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Yes but it's their children's future
Maybe a salad will make your mind work a little better. 5 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Ikr, as a female feminist (preparing for hate) even though I find some of these feminazi jokes funny, it gets really irritating when it is even targeted at proper feminists who believe in equality. Like, it's funny at first but it gets over done
lol 33 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
My condolences
lol 33 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
I refuse to believe it as its mine
got any other advice for covering up the evidence? 40 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
true, but sometimes depression can be found in the least likely victims
got any other advice for covering up the evidence? 40 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Aother one is making it look like a suicide, and (I got this idea from veronica mars) leave a note in their hand writing with a cliche like goodbye cruel world
got any other advice for covering up the evidence? 40 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
Roald Dahl's, someone help me with the name!!!
Annie R U OK??? 15 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
no im not okay all i've been and hut by a f*cking moose genital
- Annie
Fitting sentiment 6 comments
marked_nephilim101 · 8 years ago
J K Rowling always has the best wisdom, a truly inspirational woman whose words are perfect for the times we are living in