

— married_dude Report User
Yeah no 27 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
As an aside, the adoptive parents are the "real" parents. The biological parents are considered "birth" parents.
But to answer your question, not necessarily. I have never known an adoptive parent who would deny an adult adopted child contact with the birth parents, and if they deny the child contact while they are an older minor, there is typically a good reason. (And if they are a younger minor, say 12 and under, they typically trust their parents to make that decision.)
Yeah no 27 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
That is correct, they may not have, though nowadays, views on adoption being different than in previous generations, adoptive kids generally grow up knowing they are adopted. Ours does.
Yeah no 27 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
That's generally the reason why children are given up for adoption: the birth parents can't take care of the child.
The problem is that having the birth parent hanging around can be distraction and can interfere with the relationship between the child and his adoptive parents. While it may seem unfair to the birth parents to deny them contact, to allow it it would be even more unfair to the adoptive parents and most of all, the child, who needs a stable home to grow up in.
Yeah no 27 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Adoptive parent here: if his parents don't want him to stay in contact with you, respect their wishes. If he comes after you when he turns 18, that would be a different matter, but until then, lay low.
Aperiophobia (Spooky Story) 11 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Not so much that they don't work, rather that even with them, there could still be problems.
People need to check the facts 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Yeah, what some people don't understand is that most churches don't have much of what could be considered "profit," if you subtract expenses from income. While there are a few, like Joel O'Steen's crew, that seem to do rather well, most only have a little but left over at the end of the year.
People need to check the facts 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
It was originally directed towards whomever chose to answer. That means it is directed towards..... you. :)
People need to check the facts 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Just for the record, I am completely in favor of enforcing IRS regulations concerning excessive lobbying and any other politcal activities that non-profits are supposed to stay away from.
People need to check the facts 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Ok, so we were both partly right, partly not: Non-profits may engage in "some lobbying" but not "too much."
I keep going back to my original question: are you in favor of removing ALL non-profits' tax-exempt status that currently qualify for it?
People need to check the facts 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
According to the American Bar Association, non-profits, including 501(c)(3) organizations, are allowed to lobby congress as well as other legislative bodies. (Google it.)
So... back to my original question: would you remove all tax exempt statuses of all non-profits that currently qualify?
1 · Edited 4 years ago
People need to check the facts 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
The vast majority of them are, and the question stands: would you remove all tax exempt statuses of all non-profits that currently qualify?
People need to check the facts 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Removing "the church" from tax exempt status would not gain the US Treasury as much as you might think it would. (Would you remove all non-profits' tax exempt status, or just the churches?)
2 · Edited 4 years ago
A choir 4 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
Just sayin'
A choir 4 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
Not all "Church Singing Groups" are choirs. Some are "praise teams," some are "praise and worship bands." They could have been talking about any of them.
Successful tested excellent Eagle 3 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
I think it is. I googled this and found the actual review. Most people who responded labeled it as "funny."
We need another bus boycott 5 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
Or colorist.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore 6 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
When you consider the alternative.....
Imagine 60 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
I was going to jump in this discussion because I hate it when someone twists a bible verse, but I can see that the melee is already in progress.
FWIW, Jesus says IF your eye or your hand causes you to sin. Your eye or your hand doesn't cause you to do anything. The point that Jesus is making is that if there is something that you know causes a problem for you, no matter what it is, remove yourself from it. One example would be if someone knows they have a weakness for alcohol, then they need to stay away from it. For someone else, it could be gambling, or whatever.
It goes without saying that I broke up with her immediately. Why do people pull shit like 4 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
to the OP: Why did she think the two of you were getting ready to break up? Had it come up in conversation? (Yeah, I would have almost certainly dumped too her if she pulled that on me.)
Have you thought about that? 15 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
There is a TON of questions to be resolved after Endgame. How many people in hospice care died of the first snap, only to be brought back, only to die again a few hours or days later? As per the OP, how would you handle having remarried in the five years? It would be kind of like the TV Show Manifest, but on a Galactic scale.
I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that you also have, as lucky11 points out, an entire infrastructure that has collapsed, only to be rebuilt on a smaller scale because of the lack of population, only to have the population double back to its original size, more or less.
You could do an entire movie series just on the societal impact of both snaps, and it wouldn't have to have any of the Avengers in it.
Only grandma's calling - they want the gramps 2 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
She suffers from poor choices, and the next one could be you!
I graduated Dental School and immediately gave up dentistry to pursue my Passion: ART! 8 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
Was he pushed into dental school by his parents? Otherwise, I would ask why he went to begin with.
I'm sure I used this meme wrong but this needed to be said 10 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
If I understand correctly, and please correct me if I am wrong, but the families were not bribing their way in, they were paying money to falsify results: having documents altered, having someone else take tests, etc. It sounds to me like the schools were as much the victim of this as anyone else was.
Edited to add: that said, if this was widespread, the schools prestige is going to take a hit.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Borcht whisperer 6 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
dump him. You don't want to build a life with someone who has that kind of an impact on you.
Gotta love 12 year olds who think they know everything 7 comments
married_dude · 5 years ago
I would encourage anyone to watch "They Shall Not Grow Old," by Peter Jackson. While the movie itself focuses on British soldiers in WW1 (who are plainly white), in the commentary that I hope is going to be on the DVD, he mentions that there were several angles they could have taken on this, one of them was the large number of troops from Africa and Asia that were involved in the fighting.