

— married_dude Report User
I know Twitter screenshots aren't memes but 2 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but the gospels were written shortly after the death and resurrection of Christ (mostly in the 60s and 70s AD) by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, all of whom were eye-witnesses to the events in question. (Mark and Luke were not members of the 12, but they were still there.)
With all the Oscar talk, let us never forget 8 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
I thought it was not the only movie that won every aware it was nominated for, rather, I thought it was the largest sweep in Oscar history. Was I wrong?
Make yourself a warm meal this week 3 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
A 4-6 lb meat loaf is going to be HUGE. Better to make several smaller ones, they cook faster and are easier to handle.
Uhh what?? 9 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
It does. From "onlyfunfacts": (Google it)
"the gender ratio remains high even a few years after the end of the war."
Uhh what?? 9 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
If either of those explanations were correct, we would still be seeing this in families where the dad was returning from Iraq or Afghanistan. However, we aren't, suggesting that the real cause lies elsewhere.
Uhh what?? 9 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Apparently, taller men are more likely to sire sons than daughters, and are also more likely, historically, to survive a major conflict. Therefore, the survivors are more likely to give birth to sons, leading to this effect.
(Also, it seems that as modern warfare has changed in that being taller is no longer an advantage over being short, this effect has disappeared.)
We did not see that coming 20 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Dude, you need to get out more. You spend waaaay too much time writing these novels.
We did not see that coming 20 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
I'm pretty conservative, and generally side with law enforcement when stuff comes up, but I don't see the problem here. If you have just cause to use force, then the camera will verify that.
Finally a worthy opponent 2 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
From someone who does not have any experience with divorce papers: do they require the signature of witnesses? A lot of paperwork that I have done requires them, and this right here is why.
Just don't go to South Africa 54 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
This sounds good in a lot of ways, but it seems to me to be an effective way to go from being a rape victim to being a murder victim. Some guy forces himself into a woman only to have something like this clamp down on him, and he will be so angry, there is no telling what he would do. Combine pain, fear, and an attacker that already has no impulse control, and the result is going to be a dead body.
We don't deserve dogs 5 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
I wonder if they ever found the mother or, given that she is probably dead (otherwise, she would not leave her fawn alone for any length of time), found a home for the little critter.
Bars in Istanbul used hire people to carry home those whom were too smashed to walk 9 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
This, in a predominately Muslim country, a religion that supposedly forbids its members from consuming alcohol.
He does have a point 7 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
While technically, he did meet the requirements of the sentence, if this is the case I am thinking of, the judge threw it out.
This is insane 19 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
That would be the one time that I would not object to an abortion.
However, unless that is the case, I am opposed to it. The age of the mother and the circumstances of the conception do not make the unborn child any less human or any less valuable.
Technically right 1 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
I would have given at least a point or two for creativity.
A person with such urges should not work as a teacher... I'm now looking for another 18 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
More than one teacher has fallen into that trap. Kudos to the OP for getting out before something happened.
Help 2 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
That about covers it.
It's a trap 2 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
It depends on whether the boss is asking or "asking."
Bruh... Feel older now 2 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Incorrect: while this is the actress from the original teletubbies, the baby that she is holding is the new actress playing the same part. Someone thought it would be a cool photo-op to get to two of them together, which it does.
Not mi e 13 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
I agree, I have a hard time generating sympathy for the mother, she should have had more control over him.
Sounds about white 13 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
If they post it, absolutely. The problem is that so many restaurants don't have anything like that, thus "checking on that" won't do you any good.
Sounds about white 13 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
I agree. I know some restaurants have a "final seating" time, that is about 30 minutes before closing.
Walking is a good form of exercise 5 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Good advice. One word of warning: when you start walking, you are burning off energy (which is good) and you start to get hungry (which is natural). A lot of people then respond by eating more food (which is bad) thereby nullifying the exercise they were doing (which is frustrating).
Where is she ???? 34 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Whatever "studies" were made were plainly wrong. 1) the idea of a "soulmate" is debatable. 2) I know plenty of people (including myself) that didn't meet their spouse until well after 21.
Avengers back in the 90's 9 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
You know, this would have been a pretty good casting!