

— married_dude Report User
Funny cuz it’s true 27 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
If they charged enough to make a profit every year, that 91% would drop in a hurry.
Just an elaborate prank bro 12 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Pretty much (and knowing that, I still voted for him).
Romney family’s Freudian Slip 6 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Better than most Americans 29 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
To be fair, he does better than most Americans (including myself) would if they were trying to fill out a map of Germany.
Limping technical Koala 5 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Well, Jesus did say what we did for the least of these..... :)
Nothing can stop us! 3 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Frankly, at this point, there is not much more you can do.
yes 15 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
So some guy's wife makes his lunch? Who cares? (Maybe, just maybe, this is her way of saying "Love You,")
I hope Benji will be a'ight 13 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Yeah, I am thinking whack-a-mole approach on something like this.
I hope Benji will be a'ight 13 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
As long as the roaches don't all have to survive, for $75 million, yes, absolutely.
#meetoo 2 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
At first, I wondered if she was just using it like a set of binoculars (I've seen it done), but then I noticed where her trigger finger was.
On the plus side, she won't be using as much eye-shadow for the next week or two.
Welcome back 4 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
If you do, you probably won't be invited back for number 3.
I was under the impression we could figure out that part out later 8 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Pretty much. Supposedly, this guy fit the description of someone seen around a rash of burglaries (that were never reported), and this gave these two men reason to corner him like an animal, and shoot him when he put up a fight.
Then someone released the video they took of the incident, thinking it would bolster their case. In reality, it backfired in a major way, and now the vast majority of people are siding with the guy they shot and killed.
Maybe, this will instigate some changes in that area (that part of the state is known for racism and "good ole' boy" networking).
Allright 1 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
I had this happen to me once. I was asked to join a raiding party (10 Man, WoW), and after the first boss, the raid leader left to go eat supper. We were NOT a happy bunch.
One of the unspoken (and worst) parts of flooding...When the coffins rise from the ground 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Umm.... small town, small family, not particularly rich.
Take care of each other 3 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
She probably wanted to get away from her five kids for a little while and take a break! (My wife is a teacher, I know of what I speak.)
One of the unspoken (and worst) parts of flooding...When the coffins rise from the ground 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Actually, in some places here in America, we do the vault thing. My Dad died back in 2007, and his coffin was put in a vault, as required by the cemetery, and flooding was the given reason.
One of the unspoken (and worst) parts of flooding...When the coffins rise from the ground 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
These were apparently not. Some cemeteries have not always required them. It may be that this one doesn't, or they only started requiring them in the last few years.
One of the unspoken (and worst) parts of flooding...When the coffins rise from the ground 17 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
This is why, starting several years ago, they started emblazoning the names of the deceased on the outside of the coffin. That way, they don't have to open them up to see who belongs where.
Thought for the day. 4 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Power will do this too.
Sweet Jebus this thing is bright! 5 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
2650 lumen light from Sylvania
Sweet Jebus this thing is bright! 5 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
Apparently, this is from a 2650 lumen light from Sylvania. (Can't post link)
No dating needed 30 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
In today's world, "dating" is not really necessary to accomplish that. Sadly, there are plenty of guys who would do as this woman asks without the burden of a relationship.
James carter everybody! 3 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
(This again?)
Jimmy Carter did NOT give up his peanut farm, though he may have been better off if he had sold it. He turned the operation of it over to his brother, which was more or less the equivalent of turning over a candy store to an eight year old. His brother proceeded to run it into the ground. Apparently, farming is more complicated than some people think.
Sounds like a pretty good compromise 5 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
But you got a basset hound, which is one of the world's truly great breeds!
The limit does not exist 8 comments
married_dude · 4 years ago
And the problem with this is......?