

— married_dude Report User
Wait what? 23 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
While I question the approach, there have been enough church-shootings over the past few years that I understand why they are doing this.
Tweeting on unholy land 4 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Both sides are taking each other out of context. This is like watching the literary equivalent of a food fight.
Smoking meats, definitely 12 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Why not both?
Pure joy 1 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
This has got to be one of my favorite Christmas card pictures of all time.
We wanna be by you 6 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
You make it sound like physical contact is a bad thing. It's one of the best parts of being married.
My Beauty and the Beast cosplay! :-) 2 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
I agree. It makes it look like she is Belle's slutty sister.
Same 4 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
And the girl finally knows what it is like to be treated like a human being for a change.
Nuke the Caesar, if you would darling 1 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Well, I mean, he asked a question and was given an honest answer.
Suicide you say? 3 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
FWIW, I have a cousin that was in law enforcement in a small town in Louisiana. He told me about a dead body they found that had two shots to the head that were plainly self inflicted. (They found a suicide note in the man's handwriting, among other things.) They said they had no earthly idea how the man managed to get the second shot off, but it was most definitely a suicide.
For profit healthcare seems pretty legit, through the ages 10 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Yep, thats pretty much what happened.
yolo 1 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Someone is going to have a heck of a time getting inside that toilet to fix it when something breaks, unless that shelf is more easily removable than it looks.
American breakfast 14 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Pistol is pointed the wrong way. It needs to be flipped so that the handle is easier to grab in a hurry.
Don’t go up the stairs in the woods 4 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
It looks like Dol Guldur.
Third wheel 2 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
I had a cat that my wife says had pretty much this same attitude towards her: "Everything was just fine until SHE came along."
"I quit." - "Sure you do" 5 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
That depends on how much you win and what you do with it. If its a really big one and you pay your taxes and put the rest in some sort of mutual fund, you can live off the income for the rest of your life.
"I quit." - "Sure you do" 5 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
The manager he turned his notice into took the resignation seriously, just not his explanation: retirement/won the lottery. To be fair, a lot of managers would have reacted the same way.
A bad scene, man (Washer and Dryer as a gift for the wife) 7 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Don't buy something like that for your wife unless she specifically asks you to do so. Then, have at it. (My sister and I both enjoy cooking, and have requested kitchen gadgets from our spouces for Christmas on many occasions.)
late 10 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
As a former farm child, I completely agree.
I asked my husband to make sure the kitchen counter was clean 6 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Well... I see a clean counter, don't I?
Two of them 5 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
We are siameze if you please. We are siameze if you don't please.
Slim battle Kingfisher 4 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
In the US, two hours? There is a very good chance you have not even left the state you are starting in.
Truth 5 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
You may not have an aptitude for it, but a basic understanding of science and math is essential for being able to function as an adult. Case in point: the current anti-vaccine movement.
An American GI tending to a wounded young German soldier - France, Sept. 6 1944 5 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Things are getting pretty desperate when you are using kids like this. Physically, you are at your peak around 18, judging from the Army's APFT standards, so it behooves a nation to not send in soldiers that are as young as this kid looks.
The sad part is that this is one of the lucky ones: being captured by the US would mean being sent to America to a POW camp where you would be clothed, fed, protected, and generally taken care of until the end of the war. (Though I wonder what kind of reception he got when he finally went home.)
A restaurant in Malaysia gives discounts based on how thin you are 9 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
I am guessing this is an "all you can eat buffet" kind of restaurant. (BTW, does anyone care to guess if this would be legal in the US?)
Ask stupid questions, and all that Jazz 4 comments
married_dude · 3 years ago
Having a utility provided by a private business that has a monopoly can work PROVIDED that the appropriate level government has to approve any price increases. I don't know about other US states, but I would presume they generally do like where I grew up: if the Electrical company wanted to increase their prices, they had to explain why to the state legislature, who had the authority to approve/disapprove/modify their request.
If the gas utility company mentioned in the post is charging what appears to be too much, the city needs to step in and either 1) force the gas company to lower their prices, or 2) have a public explanation as to WHY they charge what they do.