

— married_dude Report User
Lol 1 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Yes, he did say that, but that's not what got people upset. What got them upset was when he said, "I and the Father are one."
selfawareness 4 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Nowadays? Who can tell?
I suck at writing titles 9 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
There is also the whole "banks lose the money that they loaned out" thing, unless you have the federal government reimburse them, which means that taxpayers pick up the tab, which means that the ones that paid theirs off have to help pay for college tuiton twice: once for the own kids, and again for someone else.
Lets just leave it there 2 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
To be fair, racism was so predominant 100 years ago, most companies that existed at that time had been founded by a racist (or racists).
Absolute Madlad at a young age 11 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
I am reminded of what someone said on a similar post: a trans kid is like a vegetarian cat: we all know who is making the decision.
They Didn't Just Have Buses, They Had a Superbus 3 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
A big part of the problem is that we know next to nothing of that time period. So many of the writings about the Kingdom of Rome were lost when the Gauls sacked Rome, so pretty much everything we know was written afterwards by people who were simply recording what they had been told.
Or you could just ask for privacy like a normal human being 4 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
In reference to the title, any mother who is in the habit of just barging in their son's room unannounced is not likely to respond to a request for privacy.
Bad art time 3: Lil Sebastian!!! 8 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Ah. I may be one of the few people on this planet that has never seen a single episode of that show.
Bad art time 3: Lil Sebastian!!! 8 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
If a kid is growing up around horses, that's a not uncommon part of the picture.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Current family 8 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
It can be fun to see where you came from. However, be prepared: every family has its skeletons, and DNA tests are a good way to bring those out. (Voice of experience speaking here.)
married_dude · 2 years ago
He should have taken that call about the extended warranty.
In news about OnlyFans 4 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
If it is a female "sex worker organizer," wouldn't you call her a "Madam"?
I mean it wasn't "gun" scary but still .. 3 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Pretty effective ad campaign. The only problem was that they infringed on Pufnstuf's copyright in making it.
Forbidden books 9 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
This would be funny if it wasn't so incredibly tragic.
It isn't that we're too lazy to learn other languages, it's just unnecessary in even the 16 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
From an American: I remember when I was visiting Paris, France and our tour guide explained this to us (I was in High School at the time): "If we drive five hours in that direction, we are speaking Spanish. If we drive about 5 hours in that direction, we are speaking Italian. A few hours in that direction, we are speaking German. A few hours north and we are speaking English. This is why Europeans generally speak so many languages."
Meanwhile, back in the states, If I am standing in the center of the lower 48, I can drive at least 2 days in any direction, and we are still in the US. Depending on the direction, I can probably drive a lot longer than that.
The reality is that most Americans get along just fine speaking only one language: for most of us, it just doesn't come up.
And when everybody's a murderer, no one will be 5 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
I saw it years ago. It is very watch-worthy. :)
And when everybody's a murderer, no one will be 5 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
I think someone already made a movie with this exact premise, but I don't remember the name of it. Something by Alfred Hitchcock, maybe?
Edited to add: I found it!! "The Trouble with Harry," by Alfred Hitchcock. One of his few comedies.
14 · Edited 2 years ago
Tell me you're not American without telling me .. 7 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Meh, I grew up around weapons, was given a 12 guage shotgun for Christmas one year. Oddly, there have been no shootings involving my family members.
I agree 18 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Plus, even if you did manage to get some actual fruit, what would stop someone from loading up their car and selling it at the local farmer's market? (Don't say that it wouldn't happen, because it absolutely would.)
Fair trade 4 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Yes, the africans that were sold into slavery were sold by other africans, who were enthusiastic participants in the deal.
However, I did some quick reading, and the claim that the slave trade was controlled by Jews does not have any real substance to it. This claim seems to have been made by the Nation of Islam, who are known to be extremely anti-semitic.
Were there Jewish slave owners? Yes, absolutely, but they were few in number. Whatever level of involvement the Jewish community had, it did not amount to control of it.
Dark Souls players are screwed 28 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Azeroth, better get some gear pretty quickly.
They were lying 9 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Yeah, but I doubt that it cooked down THAT much. This guy got shorted.
And here we are, politics turning to shit 2 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Factions are inevitable with any democratic (and most non-democratic) forms of government. People are going to have different perspectives and will always fight for what is in their best interest.
I suspect the first political parties were cavemen arguing over whether to focus on hunting or on growing crops.
ideas 1 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
According to wiki, he died in a fight, and (supposedly) gold was poured down his throat after he died.
Good morning 5 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Plus, with the Dwarven Treasury, you are getting a 10% interest on your bank account, compounded weekly.