

— married_dude Report User
Typical france 12 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
If you have to force people to attend something that is meant for their enjoyment, then something is seriously wrong.
Repeat it 3 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Only 25%? I would have thought it would be more.
So relatable 3 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
If you are doing it on an animal, it is called a necropsy.
The eternal struggle with the French 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Louis became "king" when he was four. He wasn't crowned until he was 16. If you count their reigns from their coronation, then she wins by about 9 years.
What’s an excel sheet ? 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
To be completely fair, he hasn't been just sitting around all this time. He's involved with a lot of charities, served in the arm forces, provided lots of material for the gossip columns with his affair with Camilla, had to deal with his over-sexed brother, and is now trying to contain the ticking time-bomb that is his youngest son and daughter-in-law.
Ljubljana 2 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Be warned, those things can drag some skeletons out of the family closet.
Almost made a point 5 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Have you ever actually listened to a group of teenaged guys communicate while gaming? Most of the language would draw serious FCC fines if they were on network TV in the US.
We all know what is the best sauce for nuggies 3 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
What's wrong with ketchup on nuggets?
Now you know 2 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Here is the real reason we don't have universal healthcare in the US: unless something drastic is done to bring down costs, the amount of taxes that would have to be collected would drive the population to revolt, even if you took away insurance premiums.
Potatoes! 3 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Haven't tried it, but this looks like a good recipe:
Lodjick 6 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
smh, as long as you paid for it, why do they care?
You're welcome 3 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Wait until he finds out why vibrators were invented.
Stay safe out there 6 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
You have to hand it to OP, it's a great tip!
Busted! Lock him up! 1 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
We had a similar discovery once, when we were moving out. Our cats liked to play with the little plastic ring that comes off a milk jug, and we never gave much thought about what happened to them until we picked up the sofa to load it, and there were several dozen milk rings lying. Apparently, the cats would knock these thinsg around until it went to the one place they couldnt get to, and so there they stayed until we moved out.
Aaaaaww .. 4 comments
married_dude · 1 year ago
Thank you for clearing that up. I had no idea what I was looking at.
Shirley you can't be serious 9 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
This is the Internet. It could go either way.
The Adventures of Bayou Billy 12 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
The more I think about this one, the more I wonder if the husband didn't already want out of the marriage, and this gives him a chance to do so while proclaiming his own innocence.
The Adventures of Bayou Billy 12 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Yeah, there is no telling where this is going, as far as the kid is concerned. It could be a sign of major psychological problems, or it could be as simple as she had classmates that saw their parents do the adultry thing, and realized that she could retaliate for getting grounded by hurting them with making this thing up, not really "getting" what she was doing.
The Adventures of Bayou Billy 12 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
I am of two minds on this one: on the one hand, if the word of a 7 year-old is enough to break up a marriage, there were probably already issues present.
On the other hand, that daughter is going to have to live with the knowledge that she caused her parents' divorce. I can't help but wonder what this will do to her emotionally, long term.
That one dilbert episode 24 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Welcome to the work force. "Use it or lose it" vacation policies are pretty standard, and those few places that allow "banking" will almost always place limits on how much you can accumulate. They do this for the simple reason that they can't have people gone for extended lengths of time, unless there is some sort of long-term emergency.
You either keep religion out of politics or you pay taxes 17 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
Thankfully, very few churches do this. Most of us genuinely don't want to mix politics with faith. That said, on those occasions when it does, it's just as likely to swing either direction.
Potatoes 3 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
It's kind of like, walking into a store, you can get a $3 package of toilet paper or a $5 package. The $5 contains more than twice the $3, making it the better buy. The problem is that you only have $4.
Question: given the inherent unfairness of this, how would you change the equation to make it "fair"?
Holy shit he was awful 1 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
A couple of notes:
1) Johnson pursued the same policies that Lincoln had been prior to his death.
2) Johnson's impeachment was about him trying to get rid of Edwin Stanton as War Secretary (later, the War Department would be renamed "Department of Defense").
3) Most historians agree that impeaching Johnson would have had disastrious consequences for this country, and would have led to having a President who was little more than a figurehead with a nice office.
Narf 6 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
This door swings both ways, I have seen both liberals and conservatives do this.
Potatoes! 10 comments
married_dude · 2 years ago
You don't want people to apply just for the money? What, are you looking for people that are independently wealthy and only take a job to give themselves something to do?
News flash: if people could make a living without working, most of them wouldn't work.